SPSW Member Profile – Eric Lofstrom

Eric Lofstrom Hollow Vessel

How long have you been turning and what interested you in wood turning to start with?
I have been turning since January 2002. I saw a demonstration at the Sumner Woodworker Store on how to turn a pen & letter opener set and couldn’t believe how fast a finished product could come from a raw chunk of wood. My wife bought me a lathe for Christmas and that is all it took to completely hook me!

Do you have a particular type of turning you prefer over another? Bowls, pens, spindle etc…

I like ALL types of turning. I feel like I’m still searching for my turning niche. I find a huge amount of satisfaction in just making shavings no matter what project is in front of me! I also prefer smooth flowing curves and a sense of balance in whatever I am turning.

What is your favorite wood to turn?

I really don’t have a single favorite wood because it depends on the project. Currently, my favorite woods to turn are: Maple, Madrone, Alder, and Cherry because they are readily available and cut nicely with a sharp tool.

Eric LofstromWhat was your inspiration for the hollow vessels you brought to the meeting…?

My parents. My mom is an avid quilter and also weaves, my dad is a song-writer and musician. The vessels have elements to honor both of them; basket weave style texture with quilt squares and the glowing of light from the guilded inners.

How long did it take you to make the hollow vessel (above)?

It’s hard for me to say exactly, as I get so involved in the process that I typically lose all track of time. I would guess that the larger vessel took about 1 hour on the lathe and approx. 12 hrs. off the lathe with embellishments.

Woodturning Fundamentals

The AAW has just announced a new program called Woodturning Fundamentals. This program will focus on skill building for turners by providing information and resources on safety, basic turning techniques, and reference materials for equipment. The Woodturning Fundamentals web page is available to anyone with an interest in woodturning!

AAW members will be able to subscribe at no cost to a bi-monthly e-newsletter that will feature how-to projects, instructional videos, and tips to get you started! There will also be a Q&A section that will feature questions submitted by e-newsletter subscribers.

The Woodturning Fundamentals Committee is made up of teachers and experienced turners who are eager to share their expertise: Kurt Hertzog (Chair), Nick Cook, Joe Herrmann, Beth Ireland, Linda Ferber, Mark Knierim, Keith Tompkins, and Rob Wallace

SPSW Continues to Grow

Membership Director Jarred Hoffpauir reported at the SPSW Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday that membership has now passed the 200 member mark! This is a reflection of the outstanding lineup of quality demonstrators, the willingness of our mentors to share, the opportunity to get hand-on practice with a mentor at the monthly sawdust sessions and the many volunteers that bring it all together.

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley will be having their traditional Holiday Social at their next meeting on December 1st.

The Northwest Woodturners in Tigard, Oregon will not be having a regular membership meeting, but will have a Christmas party on December 3rd at Jerry Keller’s. There will be a catered dinner, spouse’s gift exchange, tool swap and door prizes.

The Seattle Woodturners will be meeting on December 8th for a holiday party. This will also be the last meeting at the current location in Kenmore. Beginning with the January meeting the chapter meetings will be at the Veterans of Foreign Wars building in Redmond. Also, on December 3rd, the chapter will host a tour of three different shops – Jack Wayne, Jim Jaskovsky and Vern Tator.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, Oregon, are taking a holiday break and have no meeting scheduled for December.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mount Vernon, WA also are taking a holiday break with no meeting scheduled for December.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island will be having their annual social and discussing ornaments at their next meeting on December 17th.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild are also taking a break for the holiday. However, I highly recommend that you check out the GVWG November newsletter. They have some great Tech Talk items including restoring a segmented lamp, rules around importing wood, automating your dust collection, when is it firewood and more. There are also other interesting articles and great photos from their instant gallery.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners in Bremerton will be holding their annual Christmas Party on December 17th.

Upcoming Woodturning Symposia

Well, it’s that time of the year in the Northwest when the rain continues until next June. So this may be a great excuse to get away to a woodturning symposium. There are a couple coming up in the next few months.

Tennessee Woodturners AssociationThe Tennessee Association of Woodturners is holding their 24th annual symposium January 27th and 28th at the Radisson Hotel at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee. Demonstrators include Al Stirt, Dale Larson, Jennifer Shirley, Ashlyt Harwood and Mark Gardner. Registration fee for the symposium is $145 and includes the demonstrations, instant gallery, roundtable discussion with the demonstrators and the banquet and auction. More information at http://tnwoodturners.org/symposium/.

florida woodturning symposiumThe Florida Woodturning Symposium is scheduled for February 3-5, 2012 at the Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center North of Eustis, Florida. This symposium is coordinated by seven AAW chapters. Demonstrators on the schedule include Tim Yoder, host and producer of Woodturning Workshop seen on public television stations, Norm Rose, Donald Derry and Dick Sing. Fee for the symposium is $125 which includes access to the demonstrations, instant gallery and trade show. There are additional hands-on workshops for an additional fee. Hotel and RV sites are available nearby. More information at http://floridawoodturningsymposium.com.

12-6-11 UPDATE:

alaska woodturning associationThe Alaska Woodturners Association is holding their 8th annual symposium on January 28th and 29th in Anchorage. Featured demonstrators are Eli Avisera and Jimmy Clewes. They will also have two local woodturning demonstrators. Cost is $100 for both days if paid in advance or $120 if paid at the door. You can get more information at http://www.akwoodturners.org/Symposium.html

What’s New on the SPSW Website

I have added a few new pages to the site.

First, there are photos from the mini-symposium held in October.

Next, the November issue of the Chips and Shavings, our chapter newsletter. If you are a member you should have received this a few days prior to the membership meeting. If you are not a member you can sign up to receive the newsletter by email. Just fill out the form on the right hand side of this page.

Finally, if you were at the November demonstration you saw a well done presentation by John Shrader on inlaying metal into your turned pieces. John handed out a listing of the resources he uses for tools and supplies and I have added a copy in the tutorials section.