Segmenting Symposium
Planning is well under way for the next Segmented Turning Symposium next October. If you have any interest in segmented turning you owe it to yourself to at least check out the symposium flyer. There is an amazing lineup of demonstrators and activities.
There have been several good discussions in the forum. Here is a sample:
- How to make those little wedges between segments of a ring – This thread tried to answer the question on how to have triangular wedges between segments. Several ideas were tossed about and may lead you to a solution that you’re willing to adopt.
- Plans for clamping rings together – Several clamping concepts were explored in this clamping thread. Discussed were segment clamps, ring clamps and vessel clamps. Discussed were segment clamps, ring clamps and vessel clamps.
- Wood Expansion Calculator – Member Bill Wyko shared with us a wood expansion calculator which might help you to understand the nature of two pieces of wood that you might be gluing next to each other. You can find this calculator at:
- Red Oak – The question was raised, “Is red oak good for practicing segmented turning”. The general opinion is “no” but there were so good suggestions made in this thread.
- Simple Photo Technique – Member David Grady added to this older thread, showing a new light diffuser that he built using easy to find materials. It’s so simple that you’re going to want to make your own!
- Steady Rests – This thread always seems to be an active one. There are lots of good steady rest ideas here for you!

May 20 – 26, 2012 Easy Segmented Platters and Expressive Wall Art
Instructor: Linda SuZer
John C. Campbell Folk School
June 3 – 9, 2012 Turning in the Polychromatic Style: Staved Construction
Instructor: Don Russell
John C. Campbell Folk School
July 8 – 14, 2012 Segmented Turning
Instructor: Malcolm Tibbetts
September 4 – 8, 2012 Segmented Turning: Where Precision Partners with Turned Elegance
Instructor: Malcolm Tibbetts
The Mark Adams School of Woodworking
Chapter web stats:
The chapter website received 5,048 unique visitors in October and 248,188 page views.