December Chapter Business

SPSW members, at the membership meeting this Thursday we will have a couple items of business to take care of.

First, we have to have elections. Here is a list of the positions on which we will be voting. The person in
parenthesis is the current candidate for that position. We will open the floor for additional candidates. All candidates will be welcome. Candidates must be a member of SPSW in good standing and be a member of AAW.

President (Dan Stromstad), Vice President (Eric Lofstrom), Secretary (Tim Ramsaur), Treasurer (Les Johnson), Dir. Of Membership (Jarred Hoffpauir), Dir. Of Communication (Bill Wood), Dir. Of Inventory Control (Steve Solatka), At Large (Jim Cotter), At Large (Keith Palmer), At Large (Jack Wayne), At Large (Andy Firpo).

The second item is to seek approval of a revision to the SPSW By-Laws. This is required so that we can fulfill the requirements of becoming a 501(c)(3) organization. A copy of the proposed by-laws was sent to members and can also be found here