[note]The following is a message from AAW Director Cindy Bowden[/note]
Season’s Greetings
December is a time to reflect on our accomplishments and the people who help us achieve them.
Our membership values optimism and sharing and believes that education, in whatever format, is valuable. Attending several of the regional symposia has been fun. I enjoy talking with you about your ideas for the future, what you like, and even what you do not like. These conversations have resulted in changes and plans for the future.
One major change was adding new modes of communication with you, our members. The e-newsletters have proven to be a big hit. People are starting to send photographs of successful EOG projects, workshops for kids, and new woodturning projects. We always appreciate seeing what you and your chapter have recently accomplished, and are interested in any calls for exhibition entries, woodturning exhibition locations and dates, and regional symposia.
The staff and volunteers of AAW are hard working, creative, and full of energy. When you call the AAW office you will likely be talking with Jane Charbonneau. Jane helps all of us keep track of our membership, helps you figure out how to place an order for the new smock, and knows just about all of our members. She has never met a stranger.
Betty Scarpino is the editor of the American Woodturner Journal, which you receive 6 times a year in your mailbox or on your computer. Betty is a talented artist and an editor par excellence. She is always happy to talk with you about new ideas for articles.
Linda Ferber handles memberships and chapters. She is the driving force behind our new
Woodturning Fundamentals Program, which addresses skill building for woodturners. You can register on line at the home page, woodturner.org, for this fun free option. Over 600 of you have already signed up.
Greta Tacke works with marketing and public relations. She is the editor of your e-newsletter and sends out all of our press releases about woodturning. Many of you have met her at several of the regional symposia.
Tib Shaw is the Curator of the Gallery of Wood Art. Tib designs and creates all of the wonderful exhibitions in the Landmark Center along with several exhibitions at the International Symposium. She is your resource for all of your questions about wood art.
Pippi Fentress is our special projects person. Pippi has worked on everything from marketing to projects for the symposium to educating children about woodturning. She is working on ways to interest our younger generations to turn wood.
Todd Hartley is keeping our website up to date. When you have questions about why or how this works on the website, Todd is your go-to guy.
September Hoeler works with us on advertising. Even though September is in South Carolina, she has talked to our vendors all over the world. If you want to place an ad in our Journal, e-newsletter, or website, just send her an email at: September@woodturner.org. She is always pleased to help you.
We all wish you a very Happy Holiday and look forward to working with you next year. I hope to see many of you in San Jose, California, for the next Symposium. Please let us know if we can help you in any way. After all, we are here for you.
Cindy Bowden
Director, AAW