What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, OR will be not be meeting in December.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on December 3rd. This meeting will be the annual holiday party.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on December 3rd. New webmaster Ron Valley will present the club’s new website including how to log in, how to build a profile, adding pictures and what information is available.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners in Boise, ID will not be meeting in December.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are meeting next on December 9th. This meeting will be the annual holiday party.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting next on December 10th. This will be the club’s annual holiday party.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners in Abbotsford, B.C. will be meeting on December 10th. Rick den Braber, President of the Central Fraser Valley Woodcarvers, will demonstrate relief and chip carving on a turned bowl

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on December 10th. The meeting topic will be gadgets and gizmos.

The Southwest Washington Woodturners in Vancouver, WA will not be meeting in December.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon will not be meeting in December.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island will be meeting on December 12th. This will be the annual Christmas social.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR will not be meeting in December.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Eugene, Oregon are getting together on December 17th. Randal Dale will demonstrate making a laminated Genie vase from scrap hardwood flooring.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. will not be meeting in December.

November Demonstrator – Larry Taylor

Larry spent 40 years as a printmaker, hand printing (etching, serigraphs and lithography) limited editions for artists. Looking for some relaxation, about 25 years ago he bought a cheap lathe, and returned to the turning he loved in High School. It has been downhill ever since. Larry is currently owned by a 2436 Oneway. Larry has been selling at the Olympia Farmers Market for 11 years. He has learned that what most would consider production turning has allowed him to improve his skills to the passable level. Always willing to push boundaries, he has concluded that there are only two rules for his turning: Be safe, and have fun.

Upcoming Woodturning Events

Tennessee Woodturning Symposium

TWA-logoThe Tennessee Association of Woodturners are presenting their 2016 Woodturning Symposium January 29 & 30, 2016 at the Marriott Hotel in Franklin, Tennessee. Featured demonstrators include Clay Foster, Glenn Lucas, Rudy Lopez and Bob Rosand. The symposium will also feature a vendor area, instant gallery, banquet and auction. More information can be found on the Tennessee Woodturning Symposium site.

Florida Woodturning Symposium

FWSSeven AAW Chapters are putting on the largest woodturning event in Florida, the Florida Woodturning Symposium. The symposium will be held February 5 – 7, 2016 at the Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center located between Eustis and Leesburg on County Road 452. Featured demonstrators include John Beaver, Jimmy Clewes, Ashley Harwood and Joe Ruminiski. There are also regional demonstrators and workshop leaders. There will be a large trade show, auction and raffle, an instant gallery with a Best in Show prize, a shopping spree and a Women in Turning meeting. More information can be found on the Florida Woodturning Symposium site.

Desert Woodturning Roundup

Arizona Woodturning SymposiumThe Arizona Woodturners are holding the Desert Woodturning Roundup 2016. The Roundup will be held February 26, 27 and 28, 2016 at the Mesa Convention Center in Mesa, Arizona. Demonstrators include Glenn Lucas, Curt Theobald, John Beaver, Betty Scarpino, Andi Wolfe, Rex Burningham, Art Liestman, and Jason Clark. Glenn Lucas is holding four 1-day hands-on workshops before and after the symposium. There will be a vendor area, instant gallery, raffles and silent auction, and banquet and live auction. More information on registration fees and accommodations can be found on the Desert Woodturning Roundup site.

7th Honolulu Symposium

honolulu-wt-logoThe Honolulu Woodturners are presenting the 7th annual Honolulu Symposium March 12 & 13, 2016 at MRC Roofing in Honolulu, Hawaii. Featured demonstrators include Cliff Johns, Cynthia Gibson, Kyle Iwamoto and Andy Cole. The symposium also includes an instant gallery and live auction. More information can be found on the Honolulu Symposium site.

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, OR will be meeting on November 5th. Phil Lapp will demonstrate turning a crotch.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on November 5th. Members will have a chance to turn Christmas ornaments, tops, toys, and other Holiday related goodies.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting next on November 10th. SPSW past president Dan Stromstad will be demonstrating inside out turning.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners in Abbotsford, B.C. will be meeting on November 12th. Bruce Campbell will demonstrate how to turn a baseball bat. Also, SPSW member Eric Lofstrom will be presenting an all-day hands-on class on November 7th featuring tool sharpening and multi-axis turning, and an all-day demo on November 8th covering “Spindle, Endgrain & Facegrain Technique Building Treasures”.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on November 12th. Stephen Hatcher will be demonstrating new techniques.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on November 12th. This month will be the annual auction.

The Southwest Washington Woodturners in Vancouver, WA will be meeting on November 15th. This will be a Christmas ornament workshop.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners in Boise, ID are meeting on November 17th. The program for the evening has not been announced.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are meeting next on November 18th. This meeting will be a tool and wood swap.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon are meeting on November 19th. The chapter will be holding its annual holiday party.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR will be meeting on November 19th. Lloyd DeWerff will be demonstrating Christmas ornaments.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Eugene, Oregon are getting together on November 19th. Rick Mower will demonstrate bowl coring.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. will be meeting on November 25th. The program for the evening has not been announced.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island will be meeting on November 28th. The demonstration for the afternoon has not been announced.


olympic peninsula woodturnersThe Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are celebrating their 25th birthday!

The highlight of the October 28th meeting will be an interview with 94-year-old Wally Dickerman, a native of Seattle and a pioneer of woodturning. He will take us through the evolution of the craft, beginning with the days before high speed steel, bowl gouges, and articulated arms.

Visitors and would-be woodturners are always welcome!

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners meet at the Kitsap Adventist School Gym, 5088 North Taylor Road, Bremerton, WA. More details and a map are available at OPCAAW.com

October Demonstrator – Jack Wayne

jackwaybeapr09This month we are especially happy to have Cap’n Jack as our main attraction. I take no credit nor responsibility for the following bio It was written some four years ago by the Cap’n himself. Today he is a much older but much happier individual.


Jack Wayne, tamer of Dragons, righter of wrongs, rescuer of fair maidens, a modest man with much to be modest about, quietly doing his best to change the world, was born at an early age and left to fend for himself with only the frequent aid of concerned parents and helpful strangers.

His background is best described as eclectic, erratic and impetuous. Growing up on his father’s horse and cattle ranch he quite early developed an appreciation of mechanical devices, but was a terrible welder. He eventually left to join the Army, became a paratrooper, later a fireman, then a teacher, then a boat builder/designer, an engineer for a fiberglass company, a stockbroker…and is now unemployed in his later years. Hobbies have likewise been varied: mineralogy, photography, fishing, racing cars, boats and motorcycles, and building furniture…until infected with the woodturning virus in 1994.

Has served two terms as president and vice-president of the Seattle Woodturners, two terms as president of South Puget Sound Woodturners, and taught woodturning at Seattle Woodcraft for years.

Philosophy is to learn as much as possible, realize that you don’t necessarily have to practice or use all you learn, to pass on that knowledge to others, and help them develop skills to further the craft, to encourage anyone with an interest.

Woodturning is fun, and I do enjoy a good time, and unlike Doug Henderson, I do remember most of the fun I had . Remember always: WOODTURNING IS THE MOST FUN YOU CAN HAVE WITH YOUR CLOTHES ON AND NOT GET ARRESTED…USUALLY.