September Membership Meeting

This month we have the second of our Mini Symposiums. This is an event that is enjoyed by all and it is made possible because you, our members, take the time to demonstrate a skill related to turning. That includes not only the actual art of turning, but also things like sharpening (a skill as necessary as turning technique, in order to become an accomplished turner) and decoration of turned objects, including pyrography, carving, coloring, etc.

This month we are lucky enough to have Pat McCart, Dan Stromstad, Roy Lane, and Dick Noe demonstrating. And, who knows, perhaps a surprise demonstrator or two. So come on out and enjoy the camaraderie and maybe learn a new trick or two.

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, will be meeting of September 3rd. Christian Burchard will be demonstrating winged bowls. He will also be holding an all-day demo and hands-on class on Friday and Saturday.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on September 3rd. Carl Bodenstein will demonstrate deep hollowing: deep freehand, captive and articulating deep hollowing devices and techniques.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners in Boise, ID will be holding their annual picnic.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners in Abbotsford, B.C. will be meeting on September 10th. John Winter will be showing all about the Rose Engine Lathe and Bob Askew will demonstrate turning a nutcracker.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on Septebmer 10th. John Shrader will be demonstrating spherical salt/pepper shakers.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on September 10th. Jay Shepard will be discussing air brush magic.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon are meeting on September 17th. David Lutrick demonstrates how to create a Christmas ornament utilizing a sea urchin.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. will be meeting on September 23rd. The program for the evening will be Turning Wooden Spoons presented by Dennis Cloutier.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR have a revised meeting date for September – the 24th. Molly Winton will be the demonstrator.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting next on September 24th. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Eugene, Oregon are getting together on September 24th for their annual potluck. Members are asked to bring their turned wooden plates.

The Southwest Washington Woodturners in Vancouver, WA will be meeting on September 24th. Molly Winton will be demonstrating pyrography.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island will be meeting on September 26th. The demonstration for the afternoon will be Christmas ornaments.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are meeting next on September 30th. The program for will be a “Sawdust-less Session, A Finishing Frenzy”.

August Demonstrator – Stan Gardner

Have you ever wondered how people make those nested bowls?

stan gardnerOur own member, Stan Gardner, will show you how it is done. He will be demonstrating how to use the Oneway Easy-Core Coring System.

How many times have you looked at a piece expensive wood and thought about making a bowl out of it, but you hate to waste all of that wood. A coring system gives you the opportunity to not make just one bowl, but two or three bowls. The same thing goes for that log you just bought at our monthly wood auction or out of your neighbor’s wood pile. Why waste all of that wood? Come and watch Stan this month show you just how easy it is.

Inland Northwest Woodturners Demo

Inland Northwest Woodturners Present

Betty Scarpino

Full Day Demonstration

Saturday, October 17, 2015

During this fast-paced demonstration Betty will reveal all of her trade secrets for making successfully designed projects and for creating turned-and-carved sculptures while working on several projects, including an egg, a candleholder from a faceplate-turned disc, cut apart on a band saw, and a pod turned from green wood that is also cut apart and then carved.

Throughout the day Betty will:

  • Demonstrate and discuss woodturning and carving concepts and considerations
  • Talk about design ideas and individual work
  • Use several techniques for surface embellishment
  • Demonstrate dye-and-liming wax method of finishing as well as bleaching wood
  • Respond to audience questions and comments

See Betty’s Website for Further Information:

$35 Early Registration, Closes 10/5/15
$45 At the Door, Space Permitting
(Registration includes lunch & beverages)

Woodcraft Classroom
212 N. Sullivan Road
Spokane Valley, WA 99037
9:30AM-3:30 PM

Register Now
Mail $35 Check, Payable to INW, to:
John Altberg
928 W. 17th Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
Please include phone number & email address with your payment

For More Information:

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon cancelling their regular meeting in August and instead are holding their annual picnic and auction on August 8th.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on August 6th. Pat Hickey will review and demonstrate spindle turning.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners in Boise, ID are meeting on August 11th. Frank Lench will be demonstrating airbrushing and drying your projects.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners in Abbotsford, B.C. are taking the summer off. Their next meeting will be in September.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on August 13th. Eric Lofstrom will be demonstrating end-grain boxes.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on August 13th. Alan Carter will be discussing the creative ability to “think outside the circle”.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island are taking their summer break. They will meet again on September 26th.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR are celebrating their 20th anniversary at their meeting on August 25th. Three founding members – Dale Larson, Howard Borer and Jim Hall will spend some time recalling sone of the unique events of the past 25 years. There will also be a surprise demonstration by Steve Newberry.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon next meeting will be their annual picnic on August 8th.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are meeting next on August 26th. Bob “Hinkey” Hickernell will be demonstrating hollow forms. The club is also holding their annual picnic on August 8th.

The Woodturners of Olympia have not announced their next meeting.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Eugene, Oregon are meeting on August 27th. Reed Grey will be demonstrating From Tree to Lathe – a really slick set up to cut bowl blanks from logs.

The Southwest Washington Woodturners in Vancouver, WA will be meeting on August 26th. The program has not yet been announced.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. is meeting taking their summer break. They will meet again in September.

July Demonstrator – Art Liestman

art liestmanArt Liestman is a world class turner from Coquitlam, BC who has taught and demonstrated across North America. He is a professor of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University. You can find his work in several galleries. He has recently been profiled in Woodturning magazine and has written several articles on woodturning techniques for magazines such as American Woodturner.

We are lucky to have Art not only as our demonstrator this month, but also as the demonstrator for an all day session on Friday, July 17th at Nancy Sweazey’s shop. Art has provided the following synopsis of what he will be demonstrating on both days.pbnoj275

Art’s Synopsis:

Lost Wood Process

The lost wood process involves turning blanks that are made up of three laminated layers. After turning, the middle layer is removed and the two outer layers are rejoined to give a turned object that isn’t round. More details about the process can be found in my American Woodturner article “Beyond Round: The Lost Wood Process” (August 2012). In the demo, I’ll turn a “standard” woodturner’s box that is almond shaped in cross-section both inside and out. See the picture below.

lost wood

Title: Introduction to Therming

Therming is a variation of multi-axis turning in which the wood being turned stays completely outside of the lathe’s axis of rotation. I discuss the construction of jigs and show how to use them to turn curved surfaces on wood blanks. More details about the process can be found in my American Woodturner article “Beyond Round: Therming” (April 2010). In the demo, I’ll turn three shapes that will eventually become bodies for teapots.

Design and Making of Teapots

Teapots (decorative, not functional) are interesting objects that provide unusual challenges and opportunities for creatifity. Unlike many turned wood objects, most teapots will require multiple joined parts. In the demo, I will discuss various options for designing a wooden teapot and for joining the parts. I’ll turn parts for one or two teapots and lots of images of wooden teapots.