January Demonstrator – Jimmie Allen: Turn Your Own Handles

Jimmie will show us three different ways to turn your own handle so that no matter what stage you are at in your woodturning journey or what tools you prefer to use you will gain knowledge for creating your own tool handles. The demonstration also includes the installation of the …

September Membership Meeting

This month brings the second of our mini-symposiums. Here is a lineup of who you will see: Membership Booth – Renew your membership today. Membership chair Terry Broberg will be available for you to join or renew your club membership       >Club Store – Pam Parson will be …

September Meeting – Mini Symposium

This month is the second of two mini-symposiums for the year. The line up includes: Don Mars demonstrating inside out turning;       Justin Parson demonstrating pen turning;       Kathy Garlick selling at the club store;         Doug Reynolds showing Kintsugi For Woodturners: Make …