May Demonstrator – Glenn Schaffer

Picture2Glenn Schaffer is the Police Chief of Chehalis. He is also a respected member of the Woodturners of Olympia,and an artist in his own right. Glenn will be doing a presentation on natural edge vessels and vases.

Glenn moved to Washington a little over eight years ago, from Aspen, Colorado. He started woodturning roughly six years ago and has been on the board of directors for the Woodturners of Olympia since 2012. He states that “My woodturning interests are ever changing and I rarely duplicate the same project for very long, which is what keeps this hobby fascinating for me.”

Glenn’s artistic and creative abilities have to be seen in order to be believed, and you can see a lot of his work on his web page at It is hard to believe that he has only been turning for six years. Browsing through his gallery, a person wonders where all of his ideas came from.

Seattle Chapter Special Workshop

Attention woodturners!!

On April 25th, you will have the opportunity to participate in a workshop led by Guilio Marcolongo, a well-known Australian demonstrator and master turner. He presented a well-regarded demonstration for our club last June, enjoyed by those who attended. He is in the area on his way to demonstrate at the Provo Symposium in May.

The workshop project will be a dog bowl “transformed.” The photo below shows the piece.

The workshop will start at 9:30 am AJ Mearns’ shop in Bothell. The fee will be $100. Please email David Lutrick if you want to participate, or call David at 425-557-9571.

Guilio Marcolongo dog bowl

April – 50 Nifty Shop Tips

Bring a pen and a pad of paper to the April meeting and be prepared to take lots of notes.

Four members of the Olympic Peninsula Woodturners Club will be presenting Fifty Nifty Shop Tips, a collection of wonderful ideas for woodworkers. It promises to be an evening filled with tons of useful information.

This is a concept that began with an internet thread that has gone semi-viral, with contributions from dozens of veteran woodturners from throughout the United States, Canada, and England.

About two years ago Russell Neyman posted several tips on the Woodturners Forum, and other craftspeople jumped on board to create one of the website’s most popular features. Over 30-thousand people have viewed it.

The team of presenters will be sharing the best of these and adding their own, with visual aids and “live” examples of most of the concepts. Actually, there will undoubtedly be more than 50 tips.

One aspect of this coming meeting is audience participation as SPSW members are encouraged to bring their own ideas and share them with the group.

Subjects are wide-ranging and include everything from abrasives to ziplock bags.

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are meeting April 2nd. All are invited to share comparisons of their early to recent work.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on April 2nd. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners in Abbotsford, B.C. will be meeting on April 9th. Rick den Braber will be demonstrating relief and chip carving on a turning.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on April 9th. This month features a tool swap and panel of experts. The chapter is also hosting an all-day hands-on session with Guilio Marcolongo on April 25th.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on April 9th. Cynthia Gibson will be demonstrating pyrography.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners in Boise, ID are meeting next on April 14th. Jerry Wagner will be demonstrating architectural turning: balasters, columns and etc.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR will be meeting on April 16th. The program for the evening will feature Gadgets, Gizmos and Gimmics.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon are meeting on April 16th. This meeting is Play day (will have at least 4 lathes with demos going).

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are meeting on April 22nd. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting on April 23rd. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Eugene, Oregon are meeting on April 23rd. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island are next meeting April 25th. Doug McBeath and Barrie Baptie will be demonstrating techniques for filling voids.

The Southwest Washington Woodturners in Vancouver, WA will be meeting on April 27th. The program for the evening has not yet been announced. The SWWWT have completely rebuilt their website. Take a look at

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are meeting next on April 29th. Scott Overby will be demonstrating pens and peppermills.

Special Sawdust Session

The Evergreen Woodworkers Guild presents

“Getting the Most from Your Bandsaw”

With Michael Fortune

April 18, 2015  8 AM – 5 PM

The bandsaw can be one of the most accurate and sage machines in your workshop – providing it is set up and used properly. New or even well used 12″ or 14″ bandsaws with only a 1/2 horse power motor can be tuned to cut precision joints or re-saw flawlessly without purchasing after-market accessories or expensive blades.

Installing new tires, selecting and setting blade tension, tracking, cutting curves, and re-sawing will be covered. A variety of useful jigs designed to be used with the bandsaw will be demonstrated. Illustrations will be provided so you can make your own. Michael can’t remember the last time he ripped a piece of wood on the table saw. Instead, he prefers to use the smallest of his bandsaws, a 15″ General.

Let the bandsaw master show you how to make this simple machine the most versatile in the shop.

Key Points:

  • Learn how to tune your bandsaw to make perfect cuts
  • Make a variety of jigs to make your bandsaw more productive
  • Learn bandsaw joinery
  • Learn correct re-sawing techniques
  • Learn to select blades
  • Select a bandsaw in today’s market
  • Eliminate blade drift
  • Learn pattern bandsawing
  • $40 registration fee includes lunch

To register contact Doug Reynolds

March Meeting – Mini-Symposium

Welcome to the first of this year’s semi-annual Mini

This is a great way for you to explore different ideas and
techniques as our demonstrators display their individual
talents. You will find that you will come away various new
ways to try and perhaps even new projects to make.

Our demonstrators this month are:

  • Tammie Bachmeier
  • David Best
  • Brad Husby
  • Pat McCart
  • Carol Zandell
  • And perhaps a surprise demonstrator

Don’t forget to bring along any of your tools that you would
like to get sharpened.

Remember there will be a table available to show off your