February Membership Meeting


Turning Tools 101
Brad Huseby & Mike Poirier

Mike & Brad will lead a discussion will be general information about turning tools. This is the basics and not about specialty tool or grinds. It is not an attempt to change anyone’s mind about the tools they use or what specific tools to buy. We encourage group participation to help each other make good decisions on what tools are available and to pass along experiences we have had. The tools you buy will cost more than the lathe in the end.

Mike – I took woodshop in Jr. and Sr. High. After graduation I went in the military and prior to discharge my wife and I got married. That was 47 years ago. I stayed interested in woodworking but did not have an area to work. Now I have a place to make a mess and not have to clean it up. I started making wooden toys and in the process found a lathe was necessary to make some of the parts. I was self-taught and considered myself adequate. Joined Evergreen Woodworkers and was a member for 12 years. 3 years ago I joined SPSW for help in overall knowledge of woodturning, turning techniques, tools to buy, sharpening and where to get materials and wood. I took advantage of the “Sawdust Sessions” at Bob Sweazey’s shop and I recommend to all.

Brad – While in high school 40+ years ago, I did my first turnings. With little guidance on tool selection I used a roughing gouge and scraper. I made a candle stick holder and a fish club. In the 80’s I was given a broken lathe that I cobbled together and made a few pens and small misc. pieces. In 2000, my wife and I bought a shop with a house. I Googled wood turning clubs and found and attended SPSW meeting. This is where I heard about the sawdust sessions. I went to check it out with interest and curiosity. Erick Lofstrom asked if I want to “have a go” at what he and Bob Sweazey were turning. I was reluctant at first but finally gave it a try. My technique was not right and Erick suggested dropping the handle a little and rotating it to the right. His suggestion made a big difference. The shavings flew and I was hooked. Erick’s insistence to “Give it a try” and his guidance on my turning technique renewed my interest in turning and I have been hooked since. I enjoy all types of turning and passing it forward.

January Demonstrator – Jimmie Allen

Jimmie Allen is a long-time northwest resident and currently resides in Bremerton, WA. Jimmie discovered woodturning during his semi-retirement as a finish carpenter. He joined the OPCAAW club in 2003 and was instantly hooked – he went on to serve 7 years as the club’s Vice President of Training.

After experimenting with various wood turning aspects, Jimmie was drawn to the challenge that wood boxes presented. Since then, he has concentrated his efforts on improving technique, wood selection, design/shape and proportion. Through this journey, Jimmie also found another creative outlet – the design and crafting of box making tools that helped him to create his signature style of boxes.

Jimmie’s philosophy is that we all start at the same place and it’s important to keep it simple – “If you put in the time, you’ll get there”. He appreciates the opportunity to encourage and motivate people by sharing his experiences and techniques through demonstrations and sawdust sessions.

December Membership Meeting – Holiday Potluck

December’s meeting is a potluck meal and a prize give-away for all members of the SPSW. This year we have over 100 wood turning blanks from UCR Woods that are ready for your lathe. D-Way Tools have donated some of the fin-est wood turning money can buy. Sumner Woodworking Store has provided tools and gift certificates as have Woodcraft and Rockler. Hopefully you have been getting your raffle tickets each month and will walk away with some great stuff.

Potluck suggestions are A thru I will do main dishes. J-S will bring the deserts with T –Z salads or chips and dip. We will provide plates and silver ware, coffee and water.

Additionally we always have a Show and Tell for the item that you turned this year that you are most proud of. This is also the last President’s Challenge of the year, a turned ornament of any kind.

Upcoming Woodturning Events

Tennessee Association of Woodturners

The Tennessee Woodturners are holding their 30th Woodturning Symposium in Franklin, TN on the 26th and 27th of January. Featured demonstrators are Stuart Batty, Jimmy Clewes, Mike Mahoney and Betty Scarpino. There will also be an instant gallery with awards in several categories, and a banquet and auction. The full symposium fee is $155 is paid by December 31st. Lots more information on the Florida Woodturning Symposium site.

Alaska Woodturners Association Symposium

alaska woodturning associationThe 2018 symposium is scheduled for January 27 & 28, 2018 at Hardware Specialties in Anchorage, AK. Featured turners are Glenn Lucas, Nick Agar plus local turners Bob Congdon and Jeff Trotter. There will also be the opportunity for hands-on classes with Glenn and nick prior to and after the symposium dates. Cost for the symposium is $50/day if paid in advance. More information can be found at the Alaska Woodturners Association symposium page.

Florida Woodturning Symposium

The Florida chapters of the AAW joined together in 2001 to hold the first Florida Woodturning Symposium. Held annually, the 2018 symposium is scheduled for February 9 – 11. Demonstrators include Miriam Carpenter, Mark Sfirri, Michael Hosaluk and Tim Yoder, as well as several regional demonstrators. In addition to the demo rotations there will also be workshops available with Dixie Biggs, Rudy Lopez, Don Geiger and others. Full registration fee for the rotations is $135 before January 1, 2018. Half-day workshops are $55. There are a lot of other activities and perks so make sure to check out the Florida Woodturning Symposium website.