August Demonstrator – Jack Wayne

This month Capt. Jack Wayne will be demonstrating natural edge bowls.

“I have practiced my woodturning since 1995 and if I can put in another 15-20 years I might start getting it right!! Many of you older members in the SPSW might remember me….I was President of SPSW 2 or 3 times, Board Member for way too many times, and occasionally I drop in to do a demo or enjoy the refreshments. Prior to my association with SPSW I was VP of Seattle Wood-turners 3 times, President for 3 or 4 times, and a long standing board member. So I guess this makes me a serial volunteer. I have been honored to do demos at all of the Washington turning clubs, as well as clubs in B.C., Oregon, California, Alaska, Nevada, Texas, Utah and Mexico.

I am drawn to almost every aspect of woodturning, but there are a few exceptions: I’m too lazy to do segmented work or ornamental turning, and no interest in pens or duck calls.

My major interest is in learning and teaching. I try to never pass up an opportunity to attend a new demonstration of a tool or technique, and I really love teaching. There is something very special when you see the look in someone’s eyes when they suddenly “get it” , no matter if it is discovering the magic of using the bevel, or realizing you really can turn wood down to paper thin and still be in control!!

The subject of my demo will be Natural Edge turning, and how to address the several peculiarities of turning this style. I hope the tips I give will help new turners expand their range, and perhaps remind experienced turners of the importance of a few basic pointers.

Join me for some fun and perhaps some adventure….Remember: Woodturning is the most fun you can have with your clothes on and not get arrested (usually!!!)”

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting August 2nd at the Woodcraft in Spokane Valley. The program for the evening has not been announced.

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon holding a club auction and barbeque on August 4th. There will not be a regular meeting in August.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in Abbotsford, B.C., are taking July and August off for the summer break.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on August 9th. Eric Lofstrom will demonstrate triple-axis turning.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on August 9th. David Lutrick will be talking about mastering the 3Ms – Monkey Puzzle, Madrone and Maple. Also, Seattle Woodturners have revamped their website and it looks good. Take a look at

The Mid-Columbia Woodturners are meeting on August 11th. Jim Christiansen will discuss the finer points of shape, form and design with relation to bowls and pedestal boxes.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting next on August 14th. Stephen Hatcher will demonstrate inlays, Marion Bailey will demonstrate pyrography and Glenn Shafer will demonstrate texturing and carving.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners in Boise, ID will be meeting on August 18th for their summer picnic at Kristin Armstrong Municipal Park

The Beaver State Woodturners in Coburg, OR will be holding their annual picnic on August 23rd.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon will be having a summer potluck jointly with the NCWA on August 25th.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR have cancelled their August meeting.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are taking July and August off for the summer break.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island are taking July and August off for the summer break.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners holding will be meeting on August 29th. This meeting will feature round robin demonstrations. The club will also be holding a summer picnic jointly with the Strait Turners on August 11th.

July Demonstrator – Carl Jacobson

Carl Jacobson

Carl started woodworking with his grandfather as a young boy. He continued woodworking through high school, and started woodturning after seeing a turned project in a friends shop. Some of his fondest memories are working with his grandfather in his wood shop. Being able to share our passion for woodworking, ties it all together.

The practice of pouring artist paints is certainly not a new way to apply paint, achieving consistent results can be frustrating and costly. However, it is vital to the process to conduct experiments to gain the knowledge of what are the most critical controlling factors which preside over paint pours. Carl will be demonstrating the process of applying paint to turned bowls.

Starting optional white base coating:

Finish coating:

Check out Carl’s web site:

You can also check out Carls’ Paint Pouring Bowl #2 “Dirty Pour” VIDEO

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are not meeting in July.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting July 5th at the Woodcraft in Spokane Valley. The presentation will be by Doug Eaton on turning a mini bird house.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in Abbotsford, B.C., are taking July and August off for the summer break.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners in Boise, ID will be meeting on July 10th. The demonstrator for the evening has not been announced.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting next on July 10th. Rick Rich will demonstrate turning 4-legged stools.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on July 12th and will feature several members sharing Jigs, Gadgets and Gismos.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on July 12th. This meeting will feature the tool / wood swap and wood raffle.

The South Coast Woodturners in CoosBay, Oregon will be meeting on July 14th. Dick Flynn will be presenting on Woodturning 101 and coring.

The Mid-Columbia Woodturners are meeting on July 14th. The program for the afternoon has not been announced.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon will be meeting on July 19th. Charlotte “Charley” Phillips, who teaches at the Northwest Woodcarving Academy, will demonstrate combining turning and carving.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR. will be meeting on July 19th. The program for the evening has not been announced.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are taking July and August off for the summer break.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island are taking July and August off for the summer break.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners holding will be meeting on July 25th. The demonstrator for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Coburg, OR will be meeting on July 26th. Eldon Rickey will be demonstrating Embellishments.

The Strait Turners in Sequim, WA are meeting on July 31st at the Gardiner Community Center . Tones Briggs will be the featured presenter for “Christmas in July”.

June Membership Meeting

Many SPSW members are returning after the AAW Symposium in Portland. We will be conducting a panel discussion/feedback session at our June 21st meeting. We can share this experience with those of you that were unable to attend this wonderful event.

Some of the possible topics:

  • New tends in turning, finishing, woods, shapes, or designs
  • interesting combinations of methods, materials and finishes
  • New tools ( can’t wait to purchase)
  • “WOW” moment
  • “How did they do that” moment
  • How were the sessions and which were enjoyed the most and why?
  • Favorite demonstration and why?
  • What turner did you enjoy watching? Why?
  • Would you attend another AAW symposium?
  • etc….

FYI- Did you win a lathe?

Hope you can join us for this informative discussion.