February Membership Meeting

Jon Magill Rose Engine Lathe
Over the years, SPSW member Bob Seivers has amazed us during the “Show and Tell” part of our meetings with his art, creativity, ingenuity, and skill in turning with the rose engine. Because the equipment is not easily portable, he has not been able to be a presenter of his techniques at any of our meetings, he’s only been able to show us his phenomenal pieces.

During this presentation, all of that will change, and we will get to see Bob demonstrating for us via a video taken by John Jacobs over the course of a couple of days several months ago. Bob will be in attendance to answer our questions and to provide more information about working with the rose engine.

January Membership Meeting

January 16th Meeting Demonstration: Dave Best, Jeff Marshall and John Howard spent a wonderful week at Arrowmont in Gatlinburg, Tennessee taking a class from Avelino Samuel. Avelino is renowned for turning beautiful urns and bowls featuring spiral carved and textured enhancements and delicate finials. Jeff, Dave, and John will present a step-by-step process showing how you could add similar enhancements to your work. The presentation will feature initial shape and design, layout, carving, adding texture, and finishing.

Upcoming Woodturning Symposiums

The Tennessee Association of Woodturners is presenting its 32nd Woodturning Symposium on January 24th and 25th, 2020 at the Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Franklin, Tennessee. The 2020 Symposium features these leading woodturners and turning artisans: Cindy Drozda, Eric Lofstrom, Mark St. Leger and Derek Weidman. In addition to 16 woodturning rotations each day there will be a large vendor area, a gallery of wood turned art will be on display throughout the symposium and a Saturday Night Auction and Banquet. Early registration is open through December 31st.

florida woodturners logoSeven AAW chapters in Florida come together to present the Florida Woodturning Symposium from February 7th to 9th, 2020 at the Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center. Nationally known demonstrators include Nick Agar, J. Paul Fennell, Judy Ditmer and Keith Gotschall. There will also be hands-on workshops led by Dixie Biggs, Rudy Lopez and others. The symposium features a large trade show, auction and raffle.

alaska woodturners logoThe Alaska Woodturners Association is presenting their 2020 Woodturning Symposium on April 4th and 5th, 2020 at Glass, Sash & Door Supply in Anchorage. Featured turners are Sam Angelo and Stuart Batty along with local turners Jeff Trotter and Dave Staeheli. In addition, Sam and Stuart will be conducting two to three day hands-on classes following the symposium. The symposium will also feature an instant gallery.

December Membership Meeting

One of the biggest events on the annual SPSW calendar is our annual holiday dinner. This is a potluck event and the food is always great. Each year we purchase gift certificates or high-quality turning tools from the many vendors that support all of us through the year. We also will be buying about 70 excellent bowl blanks and other wood. All of this will be given away to members attending this event. Our goal is for each active member attending the dinner to go home with at least a piece of wood to turn.

Please note that the food changed just a bit from what I announced at the last meeting, so we have a little better distribution of food for the event. So…

  • If your last name starts with A – K: Please bring a main or vegetable dish
  • If your last name starts with L – Q: Please bring Salad or chips
  • If your last name starts with R – Z: Please bring dessert

Northwest Washington Woodturners Presents a Day with Nick Agar

Mark your calendars for March 21st when Nick Agar will be featured at the Northwest Washington Woodturners 11th annual All Day Demo!

Nick Agar is one of the most creative makers in our craft. He learned in the traditional methods of England and subsequently has developed an extensive knowledge of the many processes we use. Nick is an extremely talented turner in all aspects and has gained a world wide reputation for his texturing, coloring and other embellishment on bowls, hollow forms, platters, wall sculpture and more…..including his signature Viking Sunset Bowls. His demos are lively, entertaining and informative. You will experience a very enjoyable day learning from Nick! Further details about Nick’s demo are available at http://www.nwwwt.org/AgarDemo.pdf.

Early Registration Special through February 21st is only $45 for the full day demo and includes snacks, beverages and a delicious Deli lunch. After February 21st, the registration fee will be $55. Register now and save!

New this year, you can conveniently Register Online with PayPal. Go to http://www.nwwwt.org/AgarDemo.pdf and follow the instructions there. You do not need to be signed up with PayPal to register online. When you see the PayPal screen just click on “Pay with Debit or Credit Card”. There is no additional service charge when registering via PayPal.

To Register by Mail, download and print a registration form http://www.nwwwt.org/demo-tickets.pdf, complete and mail along with your payment to the address on the form.

Your early registration will help us better plan for this event. If you have any questions please feel welcome to contact Phil Kezele at registraton@nwwwt.org or call (206) 372-5123.