September Membership Meeting

This month we will host another of our ever-popular mini-symposiums. Several of our talented members will be sharing their skills and knowledge to help the rest of us improve ours. Visit as many of these demonstrations as you can, and buy wood or some tools at great prices.

  • Pat McCart: Sharpening using the Wolverine Jig System
    (Bring tools you need sharpened)

  • David Best: Embellishing with texture and carving plus hook tool use

  • carol zandell demoCarol Zandell: Turning Something Fun!

  • Jeff Marshall: Skill building – how to make basic woodturning cuts

  • John HowardJohn Howard: How to turn a three cornered bowl

  • Michael Poirier: Mentorship Table – basic woodturning questions

  • Ken Light: Store Sales

  • Doug Reynolds: Wood Sales
  • Used Tool sale Bring tools for sale, marked with your name and price

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

This information is compiled from Northwest AAW chapter’s websites and newsletters. You should check with the specific chapter if you plan to attend one of their meetings.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting September 5th at the Riverview Wood Shop in Spokane. The demonstration will be on “simple” spindle projects.

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon next meeting on September 5th will be a multi-station demo. Demos planned include sharpening, thread chasing, a turning demo and a demo of the Sorby ProEdge sharpener.

The Portneuf Valley Woodturners in Pocatello, ID are meeting on September 11th. Alan Johnson will be demonstrating offset bowl turning.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on September 12th. The program for the evening has not been announced.

The Frasier Valley Woodturners Guild are meeting on September 12th. Murray Sluys will present the finer points of turning a nice bowl.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting September 12th. Eric Lofstrom will be demonstrating how to make an end grain box.

The Mid-Columbia Woodturners in Pasco are meeting on September 14th. Kelly Craig will demonstrate copper plating.

The South Coast Woodturners in Reedsport, OR are not meeting in September due to the Cranberry Festival.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon are meeting on September 19th. Jack Wayne will be demonstrating a bowl from a board, all done on the lathe.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR are meeting on September 19th. Craig Timmerman will turn a base winged bowl on a rhombus shaped blank.

The Woodturners of Olympia are not meeting in September due to their annual symposium being held on September 21st. Featured demonstrators at the symposium are Graeme Priddle and Melissa Engler with Dan Tilden.

The Strait Turners are meeting at the Gardiner Community Center in Sequim on September 24th. The program has not been announced.

The Southwest Washington Woodturners will be meeting on September 25th at the Friends of the Carpenter in Vancouver, WA. The demonstrator for the evening will be Dan Massie who will demonstrate turning a box with a fitted lid.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners holding will be meeting on September 25th at the Kitsap Adventist School Gymnasium. Steve Bartucci the”Board Hoarder”will be selling wood and there will be a tool sale.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Coburg, Oregon are meeting on September 26th. Jim Norris will demonstrate turning a pumpkin.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are meeting on September 26th. Larry Stevenson will make “A bowl from a board with a twist”. This meeting also marks the Guild’s 20th anniversary.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island are meeting on September 28th. The program for the day has not been announced.

2019 Turning to the Future

Turning to the Future is sponsored by the AAW. The competition is intended to encourage and support students and instructors in reaching for and attaining the highest levels of skill in the use of the lathe. The contest is open to students in North America.

Oregon Beauty by Charlie Hamilton
There are two divisions, High School and Post-Secondary, with three categories each: Functional, Small Turnings, and Open. Five finalists in each division category were chosen to have their work displayed at the 2019 AWFS®Fair in Las Vegas, Nevada. Work was evaluated on craftsmanship, aesthetic appeal, creativity and/or utility, and process documentation.

Ray of Light by Joyce Kunz
Judging was completed by professional and recognized wood turners Stuart Batty and Christian Brisepierre. Thanks to the contest sponsors, the two Best of Show winners received Jet 1221SP wood lathes (Woodworker’s Emporium), and category winners received cash prizes of $500 (First Place) and $100 (Second Place) and a tool set from Easy Wood Tools or Woodpeckers.

The 2019 Turning to the Future winners are:

High School – Grand Prize
Oregon Beauty by Charlie Hamilton, Mills E Godwin High School

High School – First Place
African Diamonds by Joel Gonnerman, St. Ansgar High School

High School – Second Place
Noah Robishek for Wooden Windows, Traverse City Central

Post-Secondary – Grand Prize
Joyce Kunz with Ray of Light, Brigham Young University

And Post-Secondary – First Place
Alec Ellis for Walnut Cathedral, Red Rocks Community College

Post-Secondary – Second Place:
Justin Fiaschetti for Tornado Bowl, Boston University

Multi-Day Hands-On Event in Texas

So here is our SPSW sawdust session on steroids! Representatives from Dallas Area Woodturners, East Texas Woodturners, Golden Triangle Woodturners, Hunt County Woodturners, and Wood Turners of North Texas are working together to form the Trinity River Woodturners event which will host a multi-day seminar involving hands-on classes and demonstrations. The October event is to be hosted at the North Lake College West Campus and should be an exciting and educational event. Currently they will have Stations One thru Eight active thru out the day each day. Each station has four lathes for the attendees to turn the item presented for that session. Each session is a full two hours, 4 sessions each day, both days (eight in all).

In addition to the on-lathe classes they will have off-lathe classes to offer. Pen segmenting Introduction, instruction for the Rose Engine, carving and pyrography, finishes, piercing, airbrush 101, photography and more. There are also several vendors that will be at the event.

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

This information is compiled from Northwest AAW chapter’s websites and newsletters. You should check with the specific chapter if you plan to attend one of their meetings.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting August 1st at the Riverview Wood Shop. Sam Frazier and Don Bradway will be presenting on woodturner’s safety.

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon next meeting will be the annual club picnic and auction on August 3rd. Also, congratulations to the NWWT chapter and newsletter editor Bill Karrow for taking first place in the 2019 AAW Best Chapter Newsletter contest!

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on August 8th. Randal Dale will be demonstrating “Other than Round”. He will be demoing multi sided bowls, banana bowls, square turnings and other non-round items.

The Frasier Valley Woodturners Guild are on vacation until September.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting August 8th. Don Jovag, author of two books on segmented turning will be demonstrating turning segmented wooden bangles.

The Mid-Columbia Woodturners are meeting on August 10th. Alan and Lauren Zenreich will be doing a remote demo on Eccentric Jewelry Turning- Making Pendents.

The Woodturners of Olympia will be meeting on August 13th. Larry Miller will demonstrate turning natural edge bowls.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon are meeting on August 17th.This will be their annual potluck picnic and tool auction.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR are meeting on August 17th. This will be the club picnic.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Coburg, Oregon are meeting on August 22nd. This will be the chapter’s annual potluck picnic.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are on summer vacation until September.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island are also on summer vacation until September.

The Southwest Washington Woodturners will be meeting on August 28th at the Friends of the Carpenter. The demonstrator for the evening has not been announced.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners holding will be meeting on August 28th at the Kitsap Adventist School Gymnasium. Mike Mahoney will be providing a remote video demo.