July Meeting – Woodturning Panel Discussion

Our panel consists of chapter members who will be facilitating an open discussion covering woodturning topics. Chapter members Dan Stromstad, Roy Lane, Carol Zandel, Brad Huseby, Bob Sievers and *Pat McCart have over 60 years of combined woodturning experience and tricks they have learned at the lathe. Topics could consist of techniques, tools, methods, safety, sharpening, materials, finishes, etc. If you have questions for the panel now is the time to engage with experienced wood-turners at the chapter meeting, July 20, 2017.

*Pat is the moderator

Dan Stromstad
Roy Lane
Carol Zandel
brad husby
bob sievers

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon will be meeting on July 6th. Tania Radda a wood artist from Scottsdale, AZ, will be demonstrating the use of Cold-Bend™ hardwood.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on July 6th. Frank Hutchison will be discussing and demonstrating the basics of good sanding.

The Mid-Columbia Woodturners will be meeting on July 8th. Gordon Lienau will demonstrate turning a Celtic Knot pepper grinder.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in Abbotsford, B.C., are on their summer hiatus. Meeting will resume in September.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on July 13th. Eric Lofstrom will be the demonstrator.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on July 13th. The chapter will be holding a mini-symposium.

The South Coast Woodturners in CoosBay, Oregon will be meeting on July 8th. The program for the day has not been announced.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners Association in Boise, Idaho will be meeting on July 11th. The program for the evening has not been announced.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon will be meeting on July 20th. Martha Collins, faculty member of the Port Townsend School of Woodworking, will be demonstrating how she creates unique, three dimensional works of art with exotic hardwoods and brightly colored veneers.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR, will be meeting on July 20th. Michael Mocho will turn a small piece on the lathe using textural elements and a series of fitted parts.

The Woodturners of Olympia will be meeting on July 27th. The program for the evening has not been announced.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Beaverton Oregon will be meeting on July 27th. Sara Robinson will be demonstrating turning spalted wood.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island is on their summer hiatus. Meetings will resume in September.

The Strait Turners in Sequim, WA are meeting on July 25th at the Gardiner Community Center. Jim Conway will be demonstrating pen turning.

The Southwest Washington Woodturners will be meeting on July 26th. This month will feature the 3rd annual auction.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners will be meeting on July 26th. Kathleen Duncan will demonstrate turning thin-walled bowls.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. is also on summer hiatus. Meetings will resume in September.

A Great Read

As a woodturner I like to learn skills and techniques from others, whether it be in-person demonstrations, videos, books or articles. Always looking for a good woodturning magazine I found Woodturning from GMC Publications in the UK. Woodturning has well written articles on techniques, tool tests, safety, education opportunities and more. This month’s issue includes articles on steady rests, using pedestals on work, evaporative finishes, fundamentals of hollow turning and more.

Another standard feature is called Community Links, where the editors look for interesting woodturning content on the internet. As it turns out this months Community Links includes Eric Lofstrom’s site. The description says “His website is a rich visual feast as well as having lots of resource material that he has generated for turners to download, covering subjects such as translucent bowls, square-rimmed work, sharpening and much more.” If you are looking for a great resource I recommend Woodturning magazine.

p.s. Neither I nor the South Puget Sound Woodturners receives any compensation as a result of this post. Figured someone would ask.

June Demonstrator – Fred Abeles

Fred AbelesFred was born and raised in Seattle, graduated from Seattle’s Queen Anne High School, attended the University of Washington and studied professional photography at Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles, California. He has been married to his wonderful wife Donna for 53 years, has two sons Kevin and Ken and is a grandparent to 7 wonderful grandchildren and great grandparent to 3.

Fred has been woodworking most of his life and got interested in wood turning about 15 years ago when he watched John Swanson demonstrate pen turning at the Puyallup Fair.

He was hooked at that point and began gathering all of the tools necessary. He practiced, practiced and practiced.

He watched many demonstrations over the next few years and practiced, practiced and practiced. He made gifts for all of his family and friends but couldn’t stop there. He began selling his wares to friends and fellow workers, Saturday markets and Holiday Bazaars and has continued to do so.

Fred owned Kent Photography, a professional photography studio for 25 years followed by 18 years at Microsoft as the technical manager for Microsoft’s Visitor Center. He retired six years ago and is currently a part-time sales associate at Woodcraft of Seattle sharing his passion and hobby.

Fred’s demonstration will be pen making from start to finish including drilling of the blank, gluing the brass tube, shaping the pen on the lathe and finish sanding. He will then show you a new method of spray finish and final buffing and assembly of the pen.

Fred hopes that you enjoy his demonstration and that you are able to pick up some new tips and techniques.

New AAW Policy on Fractal Burning

The AAW has posted this information on its website at woodturning.org

The AAW and Board value your chapter’s continued collaboration and support.

In the spirit of sharing, this Chapter Bulletin is intended to notify you and your chapter about two important AAW policy initiatives: a) a policy on fractal burning (also known as “Lichtenberg Burning”), which advocates safety and helps to protect lives, and, b) a revised AAW Privacy Policy to clarify sharing AAW membership information with chapter officers is authorized for AAW business purposes. We also request your support to recruit reviewers for Video Source and are happy to announce the city for the 2019 Symposium.

The AAW has always been a faithful advocate for woodturning safety. Recently, the subject of fractal burning has been in the news because of another tragic death.

The AAW Safety Committee has studied the issue and concluded there may be a distinct influencing benefit in adopting a policy against the use of Fractal Burning and publicizing it immediately to chapters and members. As a result, it was recommended that the AAW Board adopt a new policy against the practice, which was unanimously approved on May 17, 2017. The new policy is as follows:

It is the policy of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) that the process known as Fractal Burning is prohibited from being used in any AAW-sponsored events, including regional and national symposia, and that AAW-chartered chapters are strongly urged to refrain from demonstrating or featuring the process in chapter events. Further, the process of Fractal Burning shall not be featured in any written or online AAW publication, except for within articles that warn against its use. AAW publications will not accept advertisements for any products or supplies directly related to the process.

Additionally, the Safety Committee recommended that an article be published in the August 2017 issue of American Woodturner to highlight the dangers of the practice and publicize the new AAW policy.

Discover Woodturning

The AAW has developed a a new online learning portal to introduce the art and craft of woodturning to the general public. The portal enable people to learn about woodturning, its origins, appeal and how to get started. There is information on wood essentials, safety and shop tips as well as access to a large number of videos and a coming gallery. If you know someone that you want to introduce to woodturning you can send them to the Discover Woodturning Portal.

BTW, SPSW member and woodturning demonstrator/teacher Eric Lofstrom contributed to the Discover Woodturning Portal.