AAW Board Message

[note]The following is a message from AAW Director Cindy Bowden[/note] Season’s Greetings December is a time to reflect on our accomplishments and the people who help us achieve them. Our membership values optimism and sharing and believes that education, in whatever format, is valuable. Attending several of the regional symposia …

AAW Board Message

[note]The following is a message from AAW Vice President Cassandra Speier[/note] Since becoming a member of the AAW Board I have had many fine experiences, which include attending several of the Regional Symposiums. All have been enjoyable, entertaining, great learning experiences and wonderful places to make new friends. I most …

Disaster Unemployment Assistance: Help for Self Employed Artists

Did you know that you might qualify for Disaster Unemployment Assistance if you are an independent artist or other self-employed individual who has lost income due to interruptions from a major disaster? If there has been a Presidential declaration for a major disaster in your county, and your state has …

AAW Board Message

The following message is from AAW board member Kurt Hertzog School is back in Session As summer closes and the schools return to session, most of the chapters will begin their new season. Three of my chapters meet in public school facilities so we have a forced hiatus during the …

AAW Message

The following messaged was sent by the AAW on behalf of the Northwest Washington Woodturners Northwest Washington Woodturners is pleased to announce A DAY WITH DOUGLAS FISHER on October 22 in Anacortes, WA. We invite you to join us and share in this informative day. Douglas will be discussing and …