AAW Board Message

[note]The following is a message from AAW Director Cindy Bowden[/note] Season’s Greetings December is a time to reflect on our accomplishments and the people who help us achieve them. Our membership values optimism and sharing and believes that education, in whatever format, is valuable. Attending several of the regional symposia …

International Woodturning Exchange Auction

Internationally renowned artists from the world-wide woodturning community have generously donated their work for an EBay auction to support a unique and exciting International Woodturners Exchange (IWX) program. This will be an unprecedented opportunity to purchase beautiful wood art, while at the same time supporting cultural, educational and inspirational exchange …

Woodturning Fundamentals

The AAW has just announced a new program called Woodturning Fundamentals. This program will focus on skill building for turners by providing information and resources on safety, basic turning techniques, and reference materials for equipment. The Woodturning Fundamentals web page is available to anyone with an interest in woodturning! AAW …

AAW Board Message

[note]The following is a message from AAW Vice President Cassandra Speier[/note] Since becoming a member of the AAW Board I have had many fine experiences, which include attending several of the Regional Symposiums. All have been enjoyable, entertaining, great learning experiences and wonderful places to make new friends. I most …