Good food and good conversation. Not to mention wood, tool and gift certificate giveaway.
December Meeting – Annual Holiday Potluck
Will be Thursday December 15th and will feature our annual Holiday Party, pot luck dinner and prize give- away. We will have a gift exchange whereby members will bring one of their turned items to be shared with another member by receiving a raffle ticket for the item they bring and the items will be given to other ticket holders. We will also distribute items donated by our sponsor stores and distributors. It will be a fun time for all.
For the pot luck dinner, members with Last names starting with the letters:
A through F bring a Salad
G through P bring a Dessert
Q through Z bring a Main Dish.
Heads Up – December Potluck
Late breaking info that you will also see in this month’s newsletter. Here is the list for what to bring to the potluck on the 15th:
For the pot luck dinner, members
with Last names starting with the letters:
A through F bring a Salad
G through P bring a Dessert
Q through Z bring a Main Dish.
Show and Tell
Here’s another show and tell photo, this one from August, 2022. This one is a bowl turned from Horse Chestnut by SPSW member JoAnn Amberg.
Show and Tell
Here is a walnut and maple segmented bowl turned by SPSW member Don Mars shown at our October Show and Tell.