Hey SPSW members, check out our Facebook page for an offer from Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop!
What’s Happening at Other Chapters
The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon will be meeting on December 6th at the former Hollywood video store at the mall. They will be holding their holiday party and White Elephant Gift Exchange.
The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting on December 6th at the Woodcraft in Spokane Valley. This meeting will be the holiday potluck and gift exchange.
The Seattle Woodturners next meeting is on December 13th for their annual holiday party.
The Woodturners of Olympia are also meeting on December 13th for their holiday party potluck dinner and gift exchange. They will also have drawings for 2 club sponsored AAW memberships and 2 tickets to the WOO Symposium featuring John Jordan and Jack Wayne.
The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in Abbotsford, B.C. will be meeting on December 13th. Bruce Campbell will demo a finial box with an accent ring.
The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting December 13th and will be holding their potluck dessert and year end auction .
The Southwest Idaho Woodturners are meeting December 11th. The meeting will be the holiday party and gift exchange and will be held at the Presbyterian Church on Overland Road in Boise ID.
The Northwest Washington Woodturners are taking December off and will meet again in January.
The Cascade Woodturners are taking December off and will next meet in January.
The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are also taking December off and will meet again in January. Also, the Guild had planned a demonstration and workshop by Kurt Hertzog on December 8th but had to cancel due to lack of interest. They are hoping that there will be more interest for Ashley Harwood in March and Jimmy Clewes in May.
The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island will be meeting on December 15th for their annual holiday social.
The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are meeting on December 12th with their annual Christmas party.
The Beaver State Woodturners in Eugene, Oregon will be meeting on December 27th. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.
Jaxturners Turning Plywood Demo
The North East Florida Woodturners Association has uploaded a video from their August meeting. Segmented turning has been gaining popularity and plywood has been one of the materials used for the interesting patterns that can be created. In this video Bob Hunt demonstrates how to turn plywood.
2013 Board Elections
Congratulations and thank you to the 2013 Board of Directors who were elected at last night’s meeting. The incoming board members are:
- President – Dan Stromstad
- Vice President – David Best
- Secretary – Fred Abeles
- Treasurer – Stephanie Lane
- Membership – Stan Gardner
- Communication – Bill Wood
- Inventory Control – Steve Solatka
- At Large: Vendor Liaison – Andy Firpo
- At Large: AAW – Keith Palmer
- At Large – Jim Cotter
Also, Pat McCart will be taking over management of the sawdust sessions and Tim Spaulding is continuing as webmaster.
Also, thanks to the outgoing members of the board for all of their hard work in ensuring that SPSW continues to offer great learning opportunities for all of us.
November Demonstrator – John Shrader
Our demonstrator for the November meeting will be John Shrader, who will show us how to make his unusual Colorwood Christmas tree ornaments.
An example is shown in the accompanying photograph. Several steps in this process are made with other shop tools, (table saw, band saw, etc.), so John will show a video of these steps. This project is a good introduction to several aspects of wood turning. The “icicle” is spindle turned, the bulb is segmented and turned using bowl turning techniques, and since one typical blank of Colorwood will yield 5 ornaments, there are elements of production turning involved. The ornament pictured just won a semi-finalist award in the Wood Central Christmas Ornament contest. Click on this web site, then click on “View the Winners.”
John is a retired engineer/manager who worked “gee whiz” technologies (electric cannons, death rays, hypervelocity impact, etc.) while he was working full time. He now spends about 20 hours a week on various aspects of woodturning. His muse leads him to designs that require high precision, which his engineering background helps him realize. He currently sells his work at 5 galleries in the Northwest and 2 on line galleries. He has shown in the Bellevue Artsfair for the last 4 years, and in 2011 won one of the Bellevue Arts Museum Carol Duke Awards for Excellence that included a check for $1,000.