We have received notification from the Internal Revenue Service that our application for status as a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization has been approved! That means that donations to the SPSW are now tax deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. We believe this will open up new opportunities to extend our educational programs.
This is a result of hard work by dedicated members of our chapter. President Dan Stromstad kicked off and coordinated the effort, including completing the application and communication with the IRS, through its completion. Board member Andy Firpo did an extensive review and proposed rewrites of our By Laws so that they complied with the non profit status requirements. Our chapter approved the new By Laws at last December’s membership meeting. Treasurer Les Johnson spent considerable time gathering the required financial documents that had to be submitted to demonstrate the educational nature of our chapter’s efforts. Also thanks to Olympia chapter president Larry Miller for his support and advice through the process.