May Membership Meeting

It is time for that special meeting again. This is your chance to learn something new. Enjoy watching your fellow club members demonstrate one of their specialties. This is your chance to visit with friends and wander the hall learning something new or a different way of doing what you already do.

Demonstrating this month will be:

william benderBill Bender – Peppermills






carolz_edited-1Carol Zandel – Toys






stephany laneStephany Lane – Pyrography






Dave Best – Epoxy Inlay Knobs (Sorry, don’t have a picture of Dave)



Crabtree1Paul Crabtree – Hollowing






dave schweitzer CBN sharpeningDave Schweitzer – Sharpening with CBN Wheels






Andy FirpoAndy Firpo – Safety






pat mccartPat McCart – Three Footed Bowl






There will be a Show Table this month so bring your prized turnings to share with the membership. We will not be doing the Tell portion, but everyone still likes to see your turnings.

Again, if you have problem pieces or tools that need to be sharpened bring them with you. This is the time to get the help you need to become a better turner.

AAW Symposium Early Registration Ends Soon

AAW TampaAre you thinking about attending the 2013 AAW Symposium in Tampa? If so, the discount for early registration ends May 15th.

Get all the details about this year’s symposium at the AAW Symposium page.

[note]Update: The AAW announced today that they are extending the early registration deadline to June 2nd.[/note]

Segmented Woodturners Board Election

segmented woodturners logoThe Segmented Woodturners virtual chapter of the AAW is holding their annual board elections. Founding member and president, Malcolm Tibbetts, is not running for re-election having served for two terms already.

There are two positions up for election with three candidates. The candidates – Russ Braun, Wayne Miller and Jim Rodgers – have all provided candidate statements which are available on

Voting is now open and will continue through midnight, May 19th.

What Do You Think?

SPSW President Dan Stromstad has been on a mission since he was first elected to improve the members experience when attending demonstrations at our monthly meetings. This included buying new audio/visual equipment so that everyone could see and hear the demo. If you have attended the last couple of months meetings you will have seen the new stands for holding the new cameras, and a monitor for enabling the demonstrator to see what you see so to ensure you get the most from the demo.

So were you at the April meeting for Jack Wayne’s demonstration? Did you notice the new equipment? Were you able to see what Jack was doing on the screen? Do you have suggestions for improving the setup?

We are still making some adjustments, such as placement of the lathe relative to the audience and location of the cameras on the rack. We would like to hear your thoughts.

Woodturning Show Cancelled

We received this message from Joella Oldfield:

Dear Woodturners ~ Due to a lack of responses to our invitation to our 2nd Woodturning Show we have had to make the decision to cancel/postpone the event.

The Heritage Center is a non profit organization with the kids at the heart of it. We can not be spending monies for promotion, prizes and a reception and not know if we actually have a full show. We are hoping you will give us some feed back as to why you did not respond ~ is it the time of year? ~ do we need to have a more selective criteria? ~ is the month long commitment too long? Would you please send us some feed back and we will begin to plan another show.

We wish you a productive and happy summer ~ please stop by the Heritage Center and say Hi.

Warmest Regards ~ Joella

As Joella notes, feedback as to what was the cause for the lack of participation would be appreciated. This has the potential to be a great show and getting your feedback is really important.

Jack Wayne Demo Supplies

Jack gave an entertaining and informative presentation at our last meeting. I tried to take notes of the supplies and where he gets them.

Mona-Lisa-red-verMetal Leafing: Gold leaf, silver leaf, multi-color variegated metal leaf. Sources include Daniel Smith Art Supplies, Michaels or Ben Franklin.

sizingSizing: use a sizing that is specific to metal leaf, such as Daniel Smith Quick Sizing.

Sable Brush for picking up metal leaf and placing it on the piece.

Paint for getting a good background under the metal leaf: Gesso acrylic

ruddtouchupLacquer for sealing the completed gilding: Rudd Gloss Clear Lacquer