AAW Benefit: EOG

One of the benefits of membership in the AAW for individuals and chapters is the Educational Opportunity Grant (EOG). The grants are up to $1,000 for individuals and $1,500 for chapters to cover the cost of expenses such as tuition, registration, demonstrators’ fees, travel, lodging, and meals. The intent of the grants is to provide educational opportunities that expand and enrich the entire woodturning community, provide ways that these skills may be shared with local chapters, seminars, schools, and friends, and create opportunities for members who would otherwise not be financially able.

Recently our friends in the Woodturners of Olympia (WOO) were awarded an EOG which was used to help the woodturning program at Olympia High School. The school’s shop had several lathes, but they were out of tune, the their tools and equipment were in need of repair and replacement. Members of WOO went in to the shop and tuned up the equipment and used the grant to purchase new tools, chucks and sharpening equipment. In addition, Chapter President Larry Miller volunteered a couple days a week to help mentor the students.

The shop instructor reports that the students work has improved greatly with the addition of the new tools, equipment and mentoring.

You can help too. Your membership in the AAW helps to continue this and other great programs to help bring our craft to new people.

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are meeting on October 3rd. The September and October meetings will be held at Guild of Oregon Woodworkers workshop. The demonstrator will be Russell Coker showing how he makes fence post vases.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on October 3rd. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners are meeting on October 8th. The topic for the meeting has not been announced yet.

The Seattle Woodturners will be meeting next on October 10th. This month’s meeting will feature Paul Crabtree demonstrating deep hollowing.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in Abbotsford, B.C. are meeting on October 10th. Bruce Campbell will be discussing chucking and lathe maintenance.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on October 11th. Josh Kinsey will be presenting a steampunk demonstration.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners are meeting on October 17th. Bonnie Klein will be demonstrating and will also be holding all-day classes on the 18th and 19th.

The Cascade Woodturners are meeting on October 17th and will be holding their annual auction.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are meeting next on October 23rd. Larry Stevenson will moderate a critique of members pieces.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting on October 24th with a discussion by Dr. Sara Robinson on Spalted Wood.

The Beaver State Woodturners in Eugene, Oregon, are meeting on October 25th with a presentation by Rudi Rudolph on lidded boxes.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island will be meeting next on October 26th. Donald Porter will be demonstrating turning a bowl from a board.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners will be meeting on October 30th. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.


From Wikipedia:

The word cryptex is a neologism coined by the author Dan Brown for his 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code, denoting a portable vault used to hide secret messages. It is a combination of the words cryptology and codex; “an apt title for this device” since it uses “the science of cryptology to protect information written on the contained scroll or codex” (p. 199 of the novel).

In this video AAW member Carl Jacobson demonstrates how to create a cryptex on the lathe.

September Demonstrator – Eric Lofstrom

Eric Lofstrom“There is nothing more powerful than being inspired by an idea and having the confidence to create that one-of-a-kind piece on the lathe…this is what woodturning is all about!”- E.Lofstrom

In addition to exploring my own creative voice, I also am very passionate about sharing the journey with others. Teaching and demonstrating woodturning techniques allows me to share what I have learned and allows a dialogue with others to stir our creative juices.

I am increasingly conscious of the importance tool control plays in creating pieces. I believe it is not only important to know which techniques work but also why they work. As a passionate teacher and woodturner, I hope to impact the world of woodturning by helping others build confidence in tool control and developing their own voice in woodturning!

I plan to turn both a cut-rimmed and irregular-rimmed bowl using traditional turning tools. My demonstration will highlight tool control used in finessing a graceful curve in addition to cutting and scraping techniques aimed at minimizing the need for sanding.

You can access my website (ericlofstrom.com) for electronic handouts on bowl turning:

Translucent bowl turning handout

Spear-point scraper

More Ways to Pay

squareWe have had the option on our website to join or renew your membership in SPSW with a credit or debit card through PayPal. We now have the option for you to join, renew, purchase supplies or just donate (we are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit) using Square. You can use your Visa®, Mastercard®, American Express®, Discover® or debit card.

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are meeting on September 5th. The September and October meetings will be held at Guild of Oregon Woodworkers workshop. The program for this month has not yet been announced.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on September 6th at the Woodcraft store. This extended meeting is featuring Keith Gotschal who will demonstrate a winged bowl, off center platter, lidded box and whatever else time permits. There will also be one or two all-day hands on classes.

The Seattle Woodturners next meeting is on September 12th. This month’s meeting will feature Tom Henscheid demonstrating “wood finishes for the finished woodturner”.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in Abbotsford, B.C. are meeting on September 12th. This meeting is Hands-on Night – 6 lathes and captains will lead how to do hollowing and bottle stoppers.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on September 12th. The demonstrator for the evening will be Keith Gotshall.

The Cascade Woodturners are meeting on September 12th (change from usual night). The change was made so that the club could host Jimmy Clewes. Jimmy will demonstrate at the membership meeting, and will also have an all-day demo on Friday and an all-day workshop on Saturday.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners are meeting on September 14th for a picnic small bowl turning.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners are meeting on September 19th with a theme of nano-turning.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners will be meeting on September 25th. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are meeting next on September 26th.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting on September 26th and will host John Shrader demonstrating ornaments.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island will be meeting next on September 28th.