Woodturners of Olympia 2016 Symposium

The Woodturners of Olympia are holding their 2016 symposium on July 23rd. Bob Espen will open the day followed by Michael Hosaluk. Bob will explain the why and how of filling, patching and coloring, sandblasting, and finishing burl. The Michael will discuss design considerations, then will demonstrate spindle work: bending, …

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, OR will be not be meeting in December. The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on December 3rd. This meeting will be the annual holiday party. The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on December 3rd. New webmaster Ron Valley will present the club’s new …

November Demonstrator – Larry Taylor

Larry spent 40 years as a printmaker, hand printing (etching, serigraphs and lithography) limited editions for artists. Looking for some relaxation, about 25 years ago he bought a cheap lathe, and returned to the turning he loved in High School. It has been downhill ever since. Larry is currently owned …