May Demonstrator

Our new SPSW Program Director, Doug Reynolds, just returned from a one-week course on deep hollowing at the Mark Adams School of Woodworking in Indiana. SPSW member Tim Tibbets also attended the same class! The instructor of this course, Steve Sinner, has been woodturning full-time since 1998. He specializes in …

April Meeting Demonstrator

Two weeks ago I listened in on the AAW’s webinar discussion addressing the advantages of doing “remote demonstrations” at chapter meetings. For the past 2 years several AAW Chapters have been using internet technology that allows a person in their own shop to beam 2-way audio/visual feed to a regular …

January Membership Meeting

January 16th Meeting Demonstration: Dave Best, Jeff Marshall and John Howard spent a wonderful week at Arrowmont in Gatlinburg, Tennessee taking a class from Avelino Samuel. Avelino is renowned for turning beautiful urns and bowls featuring spiral carved and textured enhancements and delicate finials. Jeff, Dave, and John will present …