January Demo – Eileen Collins

I learned about Fiber Reactive Dyes as a Textile Arts Major in college, using them extensively to study and understand color and what role that plays in the design process. After graduation from the University of Washington, I went back to college, getting myself an Industrial Engineering degree. I worked …

November Demo – John Howard – Square Edged Bowl

Once a new turner has developed the ability to turn a basic bowl, they are often looking for new ways to do something a little different to enhance the basic bowl form whether through the shape of the turning, adding decoration, or surface texture. This month’s demonstration will focus on …

September Meeting – Mini Symposium

This month is the second of two mini-symposiums for the year. The line up includes: Don Mars demonstrating inside out turning;       Justin Parson demonstrating pen turning;       Kathy Garlick selling at the club store;         Doug Reynolds showing Kintsugi For Woodturners: Make …

July Demonstrator – Dan Stromstad, One Way Coring System

I began turning wood in Junior High School. While visiting an uncle in Southern California he noticed my excitement about wood turning and he gave me a lathe that he never used. With paper route earnings I purchased tools from Sears and my dad and I began turning on our …

June Demonstrator – Russell Nymen

This month’s demonstration, “Airbrushing and Other Methods of Adding Color,” will be presented by a familiar face: Russell Neyman, a longtime friend of the South Puget Sound Woodturners. “I came to the conclusion very early in life that I wanted to do many different things,” Neyman said recently. “Perhaps I’m …

April Demonstrator – Note Meeting Date and Time

For April we are excited to present Glenn Lucas live from his Woodturning Study Center. Please note: NOTE: GLENN’S DEMO WILL BE APRIL 1 AT 8:30 AM! Zoom link will be emailed to paid members. From Glenn’s website: I’ve been turning wood since 1990. Starting as a production turner I …