Non Profit Status

We have received notification from the Internal Revenue Service that our application for status as a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization has been approved! That means that donations to the SPSW are now tax deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. We believe this will open up new opportunities to …

What’s New on the SPSW Website

September Membership Meeting Photos from Tones Briggs ornament demonstration have been added to the gallery under Demonstrators. The October Newsletter If you missed this month’s Chips & Shavings, it has been added under Newsletters. Board Minutes For SPSW members, the September 2012 Board of Directors meeting minutes are posted under …

AAW Benefits

Note – The following is an excerpt from the latest AAW Newsletter Mention the AAW and many will wholeheartedly agree that receiving American Woodturner is the primary benefit. But how many are aware of the full complement of benefits and services that come with a membership in the AAW? Just …