January Demonstrator – Jimmie Allen

Jimmie Allen is a long-time northwest resident and currently resides in Bremerton, WA. Jimmie discovered woodturning during his semi-retirement as a finish carpenter. He joined the OPCAAW club in 2003 and was instantly hooked – he went on to serve 7 years as the club’s Vice President of Training. After …

Upcoming Woodturning Events

Tennessee Association of Woodturners The Tennessee Woodturners are holding their 30th Woodturning Symposium in Franklin, TN on the 26th and 27th of January. Featured demonstrators are Stuart Batty, Jimmy Clewes, Mike Mahoney and Betty Scarpino. There will also be an instant gallery with awards in several categories, and a banquet …

November Demonstrator – Tones Briggs

Turning since 1991 and have explored hollow forms, bowls, boxes as well as my favorite which is Christmas Ornaments. I will place emphasis on “finials” which can also potentially enhance some of your work. I use a system introduced to me by Dan Ackerman which allows for do multiples without …

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are meeting next on November 2nd. Jerry Harris will be demonstrating how to turn a cowboy hat from green wood. The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting November 2nd at the Woodcraft in Spokane Valley. The presentation will be on turning a candlestick. The Fraser …