What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting August 2nd at the Woodcraft in Spokane Valley. The program for the evening has not been announced. The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon holding a club auction and barbeque on August 4th. There will not be a regular meeting in August. The Fraser Valley …

July Demonstrator – Carl Jacobson

Carl started woodworking with his grandfather as a young boy. He continued woodworking through high school, and started woodturning after seeing a turned project in a friends shop. Some of his fondest memories are working with his grandfather in his wood shop. Being able to share our passion for woodworking, …

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are not meeting in July. The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting July 5th at the Woodcraft in Spokane Valley. The presentation will be by Doug Eaton on turning a mini bird house. The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in Abbotsford, B.C., are taking July and …