SPSW Website Named Best

Every year since 2004 the AAW has held a contest for Best Chapter Website. Chapters that submit their site in the competition must also provide a volunteer reviewer who evaluates up to five other Chapter websites. The judging is based on the following criteria:

  • Layout/Graphic Design: visually appealing, easy to access
  • Ease of Navigation: easy to traverse pages, intuitive menu, links work
  • Use of Technology: appropriate use of scripting, styles, databases and search engines
  • Up to Date/Current Content: new info up front, archive material available
  • Website Content: contains useful woodturning technical and news-related information
  • Uniqueness/Personality: good blend of design with appropriate appeal to woodturning audience
  • Cross browser compatibility: site works with different browsers
  • Content that pertains to woodturning
  • Content that contributes to AAW’s mission statement
  • Useful woodturning news related information
  • Above all, website entries should be fun to view and provide useful information to members of the chapter it serves.

The judging process has completed and the AAW has announced that the South Puget Sound Woodturners website won 1st place. Our Chapter will be recognized on the AAW website, in the American Woodturner magazine and at the AAW Symposium in San Jose. We will also receive a commemorative plaque.

Congratulations to the other winners, 2nd place to the Great Plains Woodturners of Lincoln Nebraska and 3rd place to the Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild.

I want to thank SPSW Board Member Andy Firpo for volunteering to be a website reviewer.