Creating Long Spindles

The June issue of Woodturning magazine has an article titled “Creating long spindles with a join” by Richard Findley. He talks about being able to create spindles that exceed the length of the lathe bed by turning multiple sections and joining them with mortise and tenon joints. He shows his techniques for creating these types of joints.

This made me think of a recent video posted by the Northeast Florida Woodturners from their April meeting demonstration. In it Ed Malesky and Emory Mclaughlin show how to create long spindles with multiple features utilizing a different type of joinery.

You can check out the video on the Jaxturners YouTube channel. Remember that there are three parts to this video.

Samples from the Segmented Woodturners

Our last demonstrator, Donald Derry, commented that he has received negative comments from people related to coloring his turnings. These may be considered woodturning “purists” since they prefer the natural appearance of wood. These same people would probably not appreciate segmented work either. But to each his/her own.

As a member of the Segmented Woodturners chapter of the AAW, I frequently check out the goings on at the website. Looking through the photo of the week history, I couldn’t help but want to share some of the absolutely amazing work being done. So here are a few pieces that can be viewed on the Segmented Woodturners website (membership not required to view gallery):

the charioteer and quadriga
The Charioteer and Quadriga by Al Fox
The Charioteer and Quadriga was created by Al Fox from Hummelstown, PA. This piece was created with 461 pieces of Wenge, Canarywood, Black Veneer wood and a Maple floating base. Carved handles and acrylic figures.

the gathering
The Gathering by Al Fox
Al also created The Gathering which was created from 1326 pieces of Gabon Ebony, Sapele, Wenge, Maple, Pheasant Wood, and Black Veneer wood. With Acrylic Figures.
During the latter part of the sixth century B.C., scenes of women at a fountain house became popular on black figured terracotta vessels.Here women gather to chat and fill their hydriai.

euclids dream
Euclids Dream by Art Bodwell
Euclid’s Dream was created by Art Bodwell from Dundee, Michigan. This tubular sculpture was designed using Google Sketchup. It was titled in honor of the father of modern geometry. The sculpture is approximately 14” wide and 14” high, including the base. The woods are Maple, Walnut, Bubinga and Koa. The sculpture is attached to the Vermont granite base with 3/8” diameter clear acrylic rods. There are 194, 2” diameter rings, and a total of 1552 individual pieces. The finish is spray shellac sealer, several light spray coats of Deft gloss lacquer and a final coat of Deft semi-gloss lacquer.

arts and crafts vase
Arts and Crafts Vase by Thomas Knapp
Arts and Crafts Vase was created by Thomas Knapp and consists of 239 pieces. This is an interesting piece to me for many reasons. First, it was made from quarter sawn White Oak which is not a generally friendly wood to turn. It has open segments which adds interest and the piece was fumed for five days after it was turned and final sanded.

Buffalo by Hans Finsterwalder
Buffalo was created by Hans Finsterwalder. This is a large segmented Bowl which was made from Maple, Ebony, Bloodwood and Turquoise.

scalloped rim bowl
Scalloped Rim Bowl by Craig Kirks
Scalloped Rim Bowl was created by Craig Kirks from Andover, Minnesota. It was crafted from Ebony, Curly Maple and Bloodwood. Craig states that making a stable bottom with the flower design was a concern. He constructed it using two 1/8″ thick segmented rings with staggered seams. Only the top one has the design and the bottom one has a center disc that is 1/4″ diameter larger than the one in the top ring

Your Time to Turn

lonestar woodturners logoWe are in woodturning symposium season and several have been posted here – the Utah Woodturning Symposium which just wrapped up last weekend, the AAW symposium coming up in June, the Olympia Woodturners symposium in July featuring Mike Mahoney and Stephen Hatcher, the Great Falls Woodturners symposium featuring Jimmy Clewes in September and the Yellowstone Woodturners symposium in October featuring Stuart Batty.

I recently learned of a symposium scheduled for Fall, 2012. Sponsored by the Lonestar Woodturners Association, the symposium is titled “Your Time to Turn” and will be the first woodturning symposium of its kind that will be specifically designed to teach woodturning techniques to the blind, as well as those with physical impairments including paraplegics, quadriplegics, those with an inability to stand for long periods, or those who have a lost an arm or hand, or one or both of their legs.

This will be a hands-on symposium where qualified instructors will help guide attendees through skill building exercises.

The Lonestar Woodturners are looking for your help. They ask that you refer blind or physically disabled woodturners or would be woodturners to their website to make their interest known. They are also looking for companies that would be willing to support the event with a tax deductible donation of cash or tools/equipment. These can also contact the Lonestar Woodturners on their website.

Guild Day at Rockler May 21st

On Saturday, May 21, the Tukwila Rockler store will be having their annual Guild Day – a day given over to local guilds so they can show the benefits of membership & participation, publicize their activities & calendar of events, and generally attract new members.

Displays & demonstrations are always a centerpiece of Guild Day. Sharing instruction and techniques on
woodturning is a great way to pull spectators over to our table where they can learn more about our guild.

This year there are extra benefits for wide participation! First, all guild members will enjoy an additional $5.00 off that day’s purchases, in addition to any sale or coupon promotions.

Second, the guild with the highest proportion of its membership stopping by will be awarded with Rockler gift cards worth a total of $250.00!

Last, the Rockler store team will be voting on the best demo of the day, based on the uniqueness of the demo, crowd size and presentation. Some talented demonstrator will be going home with a gift card for $100.00!

So if you are a member of SPSW stop by and help us win those gift cards.

Lathe Drilling Jigs

pen inlay
Pen Inlay by Ed Davidson, a.k.a. YoYoSpin
Many woodturners look for ways to add embellishments to their work. This can take many forms, such as coloring, segmenting, burning and inlay.

Inlays can be created by making a recess in the turning and filling with a contrasting material, such as metal powder or crushed stone. The photo inset is one such example of this type of inlay. This was created by Ed Davidson, a.k.a. YoYoSpin. He has a large number of video tutorials on his website,, as well as offering DVD tutorials titled Yo-Yo Turnings, Closed End Pens and Creating “Outlays” from Inlays. His instructions cover many subjects including pens, pendants, bottle stoppers, rose engine and the Beall Pen Wizard.

oneway drill wizard
Oneway Drill Wizard
So the tutorial for the pen in the photo uses a drill jig made by Oneway called the Oneway Drill Wizard which mounts in the banjo in place of the toolrest. A common electric drill can be mounted to the jig, and utilizing your favorite indexing method, holes can be drilled into the turning that are filled with inlay material.

Many pen turners have a mini-lathe and the 1” post on the Oneway Drill Wizard won’t fit. This got me to wondering if there is an alternative to this jig.

Many woodturners, and woodworkers in general, design and build their own jigs. This is also true for a lathe drill jig, although I had difficulty in finding tutorials for building one. The Sydney Woodturners in Australia have a page with pictures and basic description for building a Lathe Drilling Jig. But other than that, not much on building your own.

robert sorby precision boring system
Robert Sorby Precision Boring System
A little more research brought me to a jig made by Robert Sorby, called the Precision Boring System. Like the Oneway, it mounts in place of the tool rest. Unlike the Oneway, it is available with many different size posts to fit most any banjo.

A quick internet search indicated the the Sorby Precision Boring System was not available in the U.S. A quick email to Robert Sorby in England confirmed this. However, Lindesy Reynolds from Robert Sorby recommended ordering from

A drill jig can be used for many other operations, the most common of which is drilling turned chair legs.

May Demonstrator – Donald Derry

donald derryDonald Derry was born in 1956 in Othello, Washington and educated at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. His works are in many collections throughout the USA. He has exhibited extensively and has won numerous awards. Don is a member of the AAW and demonstrated at the AAW National Symposiums in 2004 in Orlando, Florida and in 2005 in Overland Park, Kansas.

don derry vesselDonald has been a woodworker for 35 years. Initially he produced fine furniture, cabinets and guitars. In 1993 he began to teach himself the craft of woodturning. In 1994 he attended the AAW Symposium and after viewing the Instant Gallery he noted that two artistic areas were not represented. These were vibrant colors and optical quality finishing which he explored and quite successfully mastered. More often than not his pieces are thought to be Fine Art Glass and not finely crafted wood.

don derry woodturningPresently Don is working with Chinese Elm because the open grain structure and neutral wood tones lend well to the coloring process he is developing. The colors used are aniline dyes and metallic pigments. Don states that “coloring, finishing and polishing easily take more time than the woodturning.”