What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are meeting on November 6th. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on November 6th with a demonstration on natural edge bowls.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners in Boise, ID are meeting on November 11th with a discussion about “what projects do you have sitting around that need to be completed”.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on November 13th. Molly Winton will be demonstrating her wood burning techniques.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on November 13th. The meeting will feature a dessert potluck and auction. This is the club’s major fundraiser for the year.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting on November 13th. James Leary will be demonstrating incising techniques using the Harvey Fein system.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in Abbotsford, B.C. are also meeting on November 13th. John Spitters will demonstrate turning a hollow form with a long bar system.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are meeting next on November 19th (early to avoid conflict with Thanksgiving). This meeting will feature a mini-symposium.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon are meeting on November 20th. The club will be holding their holiday party.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR are meeting on November 20th at a temporary location at the Carpenter Center with a demonstration by Stephen Hatcher. Stephen will also hold an all-day demo on Friday the 21st and a hands-on class on Saturday the 22nd.

Welcome to the Southwest Washington Woodturners, a new AAW chapter in Vancouver. The program for the next meeting has not been announced. Kathleen Duncan, member of the SWWWT has been elected to the AAW board of directors.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island are next meeting on November 22nd. The program for the afternoon has not been announced.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. will be meeting on November 26th. The program has not yet been announced.

October Demonstrator – Warren Swift

Have you ever wondered how to make those bowls with at least part of the bark still on the edge? Well, this month you are in for a treat. Our own member, Warren Swift, will demonstrate how to turn one of these marvelous natural edged bowls.

If you have never made one these natural edged bowls, you will come away with the basic knowledge of how it is accomplished. You will learn how to mount the wood, turning, sanding, and finishing techniques, and what tools and supplies are used to make these bowls. If you have made them before, chances are pretty good that you will pick up some excellent tips on how to improve your work. Everyone benefits from watching others turn and seeing what steps they take to make their product.

Be sure and not miss this event.

Turned Kickstand Pad

kickstand-pads-002-300x241There really is no lack of ideas for turning projects. This was recently posted on Google+ by Diane Gracely of Bikers Buzz. They are selling turned wood kickstand pads and will personalize them with a woodburned name.

Check it out on their Kickstand Pads page.

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are meeting on October 2nd. The program for the evening has not yet been announced.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on October 2nd. Carl Bodenstein will be demonstrating wood block mounting techniques.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting on October 9thth. Bonnie Klein will be demonstrating “Skew! Making the cuts!”.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting on October 9th. The demonstrator will be Rex Burningham.

The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in Abbotsford, B.C. are also meeting on October 9th. Al Koehn will be demonstrating turning pepper mills.

The Southwest Idaho Woodturners in Boise, ID are meeting on October 14th and will have beginner demos of the bowl gouge and spindle gouge.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon are meeting on October 16th. Pre-meeting Social & BYO Dinner begins at 5:30. Marco Berera from the Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild will be demonstrating creative Christmas ornaments.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR are meeting on October16th at a temporary location at the Carpenter Center and will be holding a wood auction.

Welcome to the Southwest Washington Woodturners, a new AAW chapter in Vancouver will be meeting on October 22nd. The program for the evening has not been announced.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. will be meeting on October 22nd. The program has not yet been announced.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting on October 23rd. David Lutrick will be demonstrating sea urchin ornaments.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island are next meeting on October 25th. Barbara Dill will be demonstrating multi-axis turning. She will hold an all-day demo oh the 25th and two hands-on workshops the 26th and 27th.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are meeting next on October 29th with at demonstration of segmented turning presented by Norm Hix.