Cindy Drozda has uploaded a video demonstrating turning a sphere. You can watch it on her Vimeo chanel.
What’s Happening at Other Chapters
The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting February 3rd at Ferris High School. The program for the evening has not been announced.
The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are holding their next meeting virtually on February 3rd. Chris Lawrence will be demonstrating a High Rise Box with a pedestal base and a finial top.
The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting in person on February 8th at the First Baptist Church of Olympia and online. Chapter member Tim Thornton will demonstrate tools and techniques of turning a pen from start to finish.
The Porneuf Valley Woodturners in Pocatello, ID, are meeting in-person on February 9th. Bob Smith will demonstrate inside-out turning techniques.
The Seattle Woodturners are meeting virtually on February 10th. Art Liestman will be demonstrating the construction and design of teapots.
The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting virtually on February 10th. Dale Larson will be discussing cutting the best bowl blanks out of a tree.
The Fraser Valley Woodturning Guild is meeting virtually on February 10th. Joh Spitters will demonstrate the Oneway Easy Core.
The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR are meeting virtually on February 17th. Kathleen Duncan will be the demonstrator.
The Oregon Coast Woodturners are meeting on February 19th. Rick Rich will be showing methods used in making turning tool handles and awl handles.
The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island is meeting remotely on February 26th. The program for the evening has not been announced.
The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners will be meeting virtually and in person on February 23rd. At this meeting Simon Begg will demonstrate German Rings.
The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are meeting virtually on February 24th. Bruce Campbell will be the demonstrator.
The Beaver State Woodturners in Coburg, Oregon, will be meeting on February 27th. John Beechwood will be presenting on texturing turned items.
January Membership Meeting
with Doug Reynolds
Doug Reynolds began woodworking when, on a layover, he found Woodsmith magazine at the airport bookstore with FREE Plans for a router table. He didn’t have a router table and wasn’t sure what it did but, HEY! FREE PLANS.
He has done commission work and was a founding member of the Evergreeen Woodworkers’ Guild. Now he limits his flat woodwork to making furniture for his two children. “They have better furniture than Mom and me”, he says.
Doug has also been a member of SPSW further back than our records go. He learned turning at Ted Bartholomew’s shop then, started taking turning classes at Marc Adams School of Woodworking in Indiana. Doug is our current WoodRat Chair and a member of the Board.
During his presentation on Wood Stabilization he will cover:
• Why to stabilize
• Wood selection
• Equipment required • Curing the blanks
• Wood Prep
• Dying, Double dying and triple dying
• Process of stabilization
• Curing the blanks
• Finish
Important Update for Thursday’s Meeting
The food part of the Thursday night SPSW meeting CANCELLED!
I have received feedback indicating that, due to recent COVID trends, a significant portion of our membership is uncomfortable doing the potluck part of Thursday night’s Holliday meeting due to COVID trends.
I have polled a majority of the board, and the consensus is that it would be a good idea to cancel just the food part of the event
We will still meet Thursday night at 7:00, and will still do both the drawing and the wood give-away. We have some great things to share with the members, so I hope to see you there, but do not plan on eating at this meeting.
John Howard
SPSW President
Jimmy Allen Demo Video
The video from Jimmy’s demonstration of beaded boxes is now up in the For Members area of the site. If you were able to watch the demo at the meeting you would had many ah-hah moments as Jimmy gave up many great tips. This was a great demo and registered members can watch again, or for the first time if you weren’t able to make the meeting.
November Demonstrator
SPSW member Jimmie Allen will be our November demonstrator. Since he first joined the Olympic Peninsula woodturners in 2003, Jimmie focused on the challenges that lidded boxes present. He worked for many years to improve techniques, wood selection, shapes, proportions and designs, which he will share with us on the 18th. Jimmie took over D-Way Tools after Dave Schweitzer retired, and many of our members have purchased highly regarded tools from both Box-Master and D-Way. Jimmie will have an assortment of Box Master and D-Way tools available for cash sales at the meeting.
So please join us November 18th! The Fife Center and the Zoom meeting will open about 6:30. Meeting announcements, board elections, and show and tell will start at 6:45, and the demo will start at 7:00 PM