August Membership Meeting

We will have another “in-person” meeting at the Fife Community Center on August 19th. Our presenter this time will be Kirk DeHeer. Kirk has 25+ years of experience and is known for his knowledge of woodturning tools, equipment and techniques. During this presentation, Kirk will take us through the entire “twice-turned bowl” process. He covers many tips and tricks during his presentation, and Doug Reynolds says that this is a great demo because there is something of interest in it for all levels of woodturners.

Kirk has been a Resident Instructor at Craft Supplies USA in the Dale Nish school of woodturning for many years. The doors of the Fife Community Center will open at 6:30, and the meeting will start at 7:00 and run until about 9:00PM. For new members, the Fife Community Center is located at 2111 54th Ave E., Fife, WA 98424.

July Membership Meeting

John HowardI have spoken to many SPSW members since self-isolation started, and the most common comment was that members have greatly missed being able to see and talk to the many friends they have made as members of the SPSW.

The Board has decided that having a mini-symposium would be a great format for our first in-person meeting, because then members will be able to have opportunities to reconnect and visit with each other. For those unfamiliar with the mini-symposium format, there will be several members giving simultaneous demonstrations and activities. There will be lathe demos focusing on hollowing, basic turning, making baby rattles, and adding interest to turnings using branding/wood burning techniques.

There will also be a “flea market” table for buying and selling turning tools, so if you have some to sell, put a price on them and bring them to the meeting. Pat McCart will have the club’s bench grinder and CBN wheels set up to demonstrate tool sharpening. So if you would like to learn how to sharpen, bring a couple tools and Pat will help get you started. Fred will show you how to photograph your work and will actually take pictures of some of your work if you will bring a couple of pieces to the meeting. There will be a wood sales table, membership table, and a mentoring table. Also, Ken Light will have a Store Sales table where you can buy glue, abrasives, finishes, and other items at great prices.

The best way to get a lot out of a mini-symposium is just wander around and see whatever you’re interested in. Please take advantage of the opportunity to meet some new friends and learn some new techniques.

John Howard
SPSW President

2021 AAW Symposium

The AAW is once again holding its annual symposium virtually on July 17 & 18.

The AAW will use an enhanced virtual event software platform to offer multiple concurrent live demonstration tracks, panel discussions, special interest topics, a trade show, Instant Gallery, live and silent auctions, drawings, and more. You’ll have opportunities to engage with other attendees face-to-face, plan your sessions, or skip around – you decide. The only thing missing will be the handshakes and hugs from old and new woodturning friends!

The cost of admission is $45 for AAW members and $60 for all others. Even if you’re not able to participate in the complete two-day online experience, registered attendees will have access to recorded replays of featured demonstrations and panel discussions. You’ll be able to watch them on your own time.

Check out the AAW Virtual Symposium pages and download the symposium planning guide.

June Demonstrator – Steve Sinner part 2

This month, on the evening of June 17th, we will feature Steve Sinner’s second installment of his 2-part interactive remote demonstration of his deep hollowing. This will be another Zoom presentation.

During our May meeting, Steve demonstrated his method of end-grain turning to produce a vase-like hollow form. This month, Steve will demonstrate how he prepares the now dry rough-turned vase with a second turning, surface prep, and preparation for finishing.

Steve will discuss how to use many different techniques and materials for embellishment and finishing. His presentation will cover gilding with silver foil, patinas, and application of color using many different materials and techniques. Last, he will address application of a finish to protect the work and make it stand out.

If you would like to view more of Steve’s work, please go to his website, under the Gallery tab ( If you check his site, you will see examples of the many different techniques and materials he uses in his work.

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

This information is compiled from Northwest AAW chapter’s websites and newsletters. You should check with the specific chapter if you plan to attend one of their meetings.

The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting June 3rd virtually with a demonstration on Skew Skills: Making the Cuts presented by Eric Lofstrom.

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are holding their next meeting virtually on June 3rd. Greg Gallegos will be demonstrating podlets.

The Woodturners of Olympia are meeting in person on June 4th in the parking lot of the First Baptist Church of Olympia. This event will be a wood raffle and an opportunity to pay dues, check out library material and buy supplies.

The Portneuf Valley Woodturners in Pocatello, ID, are meeting in-person on June 9th for a BBQ (provided by the club) with social/round table discussion talking about various aspects of woodturning including tips and tricks.

The Seattle Woodturners are meeting virtually on June 10th. Donna Zils Banfield will be demonstrating her Illusions in Wood series.

The Willamette Valley Woodturners in Salem, Oregon will be meeting virtually on June 10th. Eric Lofstrom will be the demonstrator.

The Fraser Valley Woodturning Guild is meeting virtually on June 10th. Kik Peck, VP of the Island Woodturners, is giving her presentation on finishing.

The Northwest Washington Woodturners in Mt. Vernon are meeting virtually on June 17th. Frank Penta will be demonstrating a laminated bowl.

The Cascade Woodturners in Portland, OR are meeting virtually on June 17th. Johnna Klukas will be demonstrating Spaceship Boxes.

The Island Woodturners Guild on Vancouver Island is meeting remotely on June 26th. Carl Jacobsen will be the demonstrator.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners holding will be meeting virtually on August 26th. At this meeting Keith Gotschall will be the demonstrator.

The Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild in Vancouver, B.C. are meeting virtually on June 24th. Joe Fleming will be demonstrating air brushing.

The Olympic Peninsula Woodturners are meeting virtually on June 30th. Dennis Belcher will demonstrate Turning a Vase from glued up boards.