EXCITING NEWS: The AAW App has arrived!

Here is another benefit of membership in the American Association of Woodturners (AAW). The AAW is happy to announce that the American Woodturner journal is now available in an interactive digital format that can be read on Apple and Android mobile devices. There are already five issues available and ready …

November Demonstrator – Larry Taylor

Larry spent 40 years as a printmaker, hand printing (etching, serigraphs and lithography) limited editions for artists. Looking for some relaxation, about 25 years ago he bought a cheap lathe, and returned to the turning he loved in High School. It has been downhill ever since. Larry is currently owned …

Upcoming Woodturning Events

Tennessee Woodturning Symposium The Tennessee Association of Woodturners are presenting their 2016 Woodturning Symposium January 29 & 30, 2016 at the Marriott Hotel in Franklin, Tennessee. Featured demonstrators include Clay Foster, Glenn Lucas, Rudy Lopez and Bob Rosand. The symposium will also feature a vendor area, instant gallery, banquet and …

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, OR will be meeting on November 5th. Phil Lapp will demonstrate turning a crotch. The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on November 5th. Members will have a chance to turn Christmas ornaments, tops, toys, and other Holiday related goodies. The Woodturners of …