October Demonstrator – Michael Dresdner

Michael Dresdner is a nationally known finish-ing, woodworking, and guitar making expert, consultant, lecturer, columnist, and author of five books, seven videos, and over ten thousand articles on woodworking, finishing and guitar making. He has been a contributing editor or columnist for over half a dozen publications including Fine Woodworking, …

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon are meeting next on October 5th. Dan Tilden will be the demonstrator for the meeting. The Southwest Idaho Woodturners Association in Boise, Idaho will be meeting on October 10th. The program for the evening has not been announced. The Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild in …

September Meeting – Mini Symposium

This month we are having our second 2017 Mini Symposium. These events are special in that they offer the opportunity to ob-serve several different aspects of turning and decoration at one event. They are also special in that the demonstrations are per-formed by our own members. This club is very …

August Demonstrator – John Howard

Like so many of us, John Howard had a decades long break between being introduced to woodturning in high school wood shop classes and taking it up again. In the interim, he completed a Biology degree, served 5-years in the Army, and had a long career as a teacher dean …

July Meeting – Woodturning Panel Discussion

Our panel consists of chapter members who will be facilitating an open discussion covering woodturning topics. Chapter members Dan Stromstad, Roy Lane, Carol Zandel, Brad Huseby, Bob Sievers and *Pat McCart have over 60 years of combined woodturning experience and tricks they have learned at the lathe. Topics could consist …

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon will be meeting on July 6th. Tania Radda a wood artist from Scottsdale, AZ, will be demonstrating the use of Cold-Bend™ hardwood. The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on July 6th. Frank Hutchison will be discussing and demonstrating the basics of …