Cindy Drozda Demo Pre-work
Cindy is going to present turning Sea Urchin ornaments as an IRD at our next meeting. Cindy has two videos demonstrating how to prepare the shell that members should watch before attending the demo.
Cindy is going to present turning Sea Urchin ornaments as an IRD at our next meeting. Cindy has two videos demonstrating how to prepare the shell that members should watch before attending the demo.
Eric has provided us a link to the recording of the demo he provided us on September 16th. For members registered on the website you can find the link under For Members/Monthly Demonstrator Videos.
We are planning another hybrid meeting on September 16th at 7:00PM. Hybrid meetings are those where some of the members choose to meet in person at the Fife Community Center and others may log in from home. As of now, the Fife Community Center remains open, with the state required …
SPSW members, Kirk DeHeer recorded his demo last night and is making it available to us for 30 days. It is on our list of Monthly Demonstrator Videos under For Members. Reminder that you must be a paid SPSW member and have been granted access to this area of the …
We will have another “in-person” meeting at the Fife Community Center on August 19th. Our presenter this time will be Kirk DeHeer. Kirk has 25+ years of experience and is known for his knowledge of woodturning tools, equipment and techniques. During this presentation, Kirk will take us through the entire …
I have spoken to many SPSW members since self-isolation started, and the most common comment was that members have greatly missed being able to see and talk to the many friends they have made as members of the SPSW. The Board has decided that having a mini-symposium would be a …