What’s Happening at Other Chapters

The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon will be meeting on April 6th. Tom Willing will be demonstrating turning eggs. The Inland Northwest Woodturners in Spokane Valley are meeting on April 6th. Internationally known turner Stuart Batty will be demonstrating for the entire 2 hours. The Southwest Idaho Woodturners Association in …

March Meeting – Mini-Symposium

This month we are having our first 2017 Mini Symposium. These events are special in that they offer the opportunity to observe several different aspects of turning and decoration at one event. They are also special in that the demonstrations are performed by our own members. This club is very …

February Demonstrator – Carl Jacobson

Carl started woodworking with his grandfather as a young boy. He continued woodworking through high school, and started woodturning after seeing a turned project in a friends shop. Some of his fondest memories are working with his grandfather in his wood shop. Being able to share our passion for woodworking, …

January Demonstrator – Jay Shepard

When you are a starving artist, and don’t care for the starving part, what do you do? Get a job. So, while continuing to pursue his passion for creating art, Jay worked for the Washington State Department of Ecology – focusing on another one of his passions, the environment. At …