What’s Happening at Other Chapters

This information is compiled from Northwest AAW chapter’s websites and newsletters. You should check with the specific chapter if you plan to attend one of their meetings. The Northwest Woodturners in Beaverton, Oregon will be meeting on June 6th. One of last month’s AAW Symposium demonstrators, Rick Rich, will demonstrate …

April Membership Meeting

Elizabeth Webber is an award-winning local woodturning artist, living in Seattle. She is a co-founder and member of the Seattle Spoon Club, a carving group in town. Additionally, she currently serves as the President of the Seattle Woodturners. We are fortunate to have her as our April demonstration guest demonstrating …

February Demo – Terry Broberg, Epoxy Rimmed Bowl

Like many woodturners, I was exposed to a lathe briefly in high school. It was fun to use the different tools and start to understand how they worked. I moved on in life and didn’t start seriously turning until about 8 years ago. My first lathe was a ShopSmith. I …

January Demo – Eileen Collins

I learned about Fiber Reactive Dyes as a Textile Arts Major in college, using them extensively to study and understand color and what role that plays in the design process. After graduation from the University of Washington, I went back to college, getting myself an Industrial Engineering degree. I worked …

November Demo – John Howard – Square Edged Bowl

Once a new turner has developed the ability to turn a basic bowl, they are often looking for new ways to do something a little different to enhance the basic bowl form whether through the shape of the turning, adding decoration, or surface texture. This month’s demonstration will focus on …