Upcoming Woodturning Symposiums

The Tennessee Association of Woodturners is presenting its 32nd Woodturning Symposium on January 24th and 25th, 2020 at the Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Franklin, Tennessee. The 2020 Symposium features these leading woodturners and turning artisans: Cindy Drozda, Eric Lofstrom, Mark St. Leger and Derek Weidman. In addition to …

Northwest Washington Woodturners Presents a Day with Nick Agar

Mark your calendars for March 21st when Nick Agar will be featured at the Northwest Washington Woodturners 11th annual All Day Demo! Nick Agar is one of the most creative makers in our craft. He learned in the traditional methods of England and subsequently has developed an extensive knowledge of …

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

This information is compiled from Northwest AAW chapter’s websites and newsletters. You should check with the specific chapter if you plan to attend one of their meetings. The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting November 7th at the Riverview Retirement Community Workshop in Spokane. The demonstration will be on turned work …