February Demo – Terry Broberg, Epoxy Rimmed Bowl

Like many woodturners, I was exposed to a lathe briefly in high school. It was fun to use the different tools and start to understand how they worked. I moved on in life and didn’t start seriously turning until about 8 years ago. My first lathe was a ShopSmith. I …

January President’s Challenge Winner

We are so excited to tell you about our January President’s Challenge recipient, Ethan Green. As we have had the pleasure to see some beautiful pieces of art he has brought to our show-and-tell last year, the most memorable to date, the rose root ball vase. In January, the President’s …

January Demo – Eileen Collins

I learned about Fiber Reactive Dyes as a Textile Arts Major in college, using them extensively to study and understand color and what role that plays in the design process. After graduation from the University of Washington, I went back to college, getting myself an Industrial Engineering degree. I worked …

November Demo – John Howard – Square Edged Bowl

Once a new turner has developed the ability to turn a basic bowl, they are often looking for new ways to do something a little different to enhance the basic bowl form whether through the shape of the turning, adding decoration, or surface texture. This month’s demonstration will focus on …

September Meeting – Mini Symposium

This month is the second of two mini-symposiums for the year. The line up includes: Don Mars demonstrating inside out turning;       Justin Parson demonstrating pen turning;       Kathy Garlick selling at the club store;         Doug Reynolds showing Kintsugi For Woodturners: Make …