February Membership Meeting

KND Woodworking is a small business operated out of the home of Dan and his wife Kate. They live along the Puyallup River in unincorporated Pierce County just off the Bonney Lake plateau. They started their business in 2007 and over the past 15+ years they have sold Dan’s work …

November Membership Meeting – Dan Stromstad

I began turning wood in Junior High School. While visiting an uncle in Southern California he noticed my excitement about wood turning and he gave me a lathe that he never used. With paper route earnings I purchased tools from Sears and my dad and I began turning on our …

April Membership Meeting

It has been over 50 years since Oregon artist Tom Willing created his first woodturning in his father’s woodshop. Since then, he has come to focus on pieces that are sensitive to the interplay between light, form, and material. Working with both native and exotic species of woods, Willing seeks …

What’s Happening at Other Chapters

This information is compiled from Northwest AAW chapter’s websites and newsletters. You should check with the specific chapter if you plan to attend one of their meetings. The Inland Northwest Woodturners are meeting March 3rd at Ferris High School. Doug Eaton will present “Log to a Blank”. The Northwest Woodturners …