So here is our SPSW sawdust session on steroids! Representatives from Dallas Area Woodturners, East Texas Woodturners, Golden Triangle Woodturners, Hunt County Woodturners, and Wood Turners of North Texas are working together to form the Trinity River Woodturners event which will host a multi-day seminar involving hands-on classes and demonstrations. The October event is to be hosted at the North Lake College West Campus and should be an exciting and educational event. Currently they will have Stations One thru Eight active thru out the day each day. Each station has four lathes for the attendees to turn the item presented for that session. Each session is a full two hours, 4 sessions each day, both days (eight in all).
In addition to the on-lathe classes they will have off-lathe classes to offer. Pen segmenting Introduction, instruction for the Rose Engine, carving and pyrography, finishes, piercing, airbrush 101, photography and more. There are also several vendors that will be at the event.