The Segmented Turners virtual chapter of the AAW has published their monthly summary for February. Their are now 463 paid members of the Segmented Turners.
Segmented Turning Symposium
Spring Chapter Challenge
The Spring Chapter Challenge is a focus on a feature ring. There is currently one submission in the gallery but there is plenty of time as the challenge is open until April 15th.
There were lots of good discussions in the forum. A sample includes:
- Different segments, different angles – This forum thread asked a question about repeatability in your cutting setup but two answers where quite enlightening; how to make a thin segmented ring and how to check and adjust your cutting fence. This thread is worth a re-read!
- Segmented Ball – The sphere shape beckons the human soul and many of us are curious on the best way to make spheres. They aren’t really any harder when they are segmented and lots of people chimed in with ways to do this in this thread. Also, sphere turning jigs got some air time!
- Forrest Blades – There was a question posed by a member on selection of a blade for his table saw. He was considering a thin kerf Forrest but had concerns about needing a stiffener. Several great comments and recommendations on this thread.
- Seasonal Wood Movement – The concept of seasonal wood movement is something that all segmented turners need to understand to ensure that their pieces will stand up to the rigors of time. Some interesting ideas on potential problems where discussed in this thread.
- Pushing the boundaries of Open Segmented Turning – In this thread, member Dennis Keeling, and the author of the latest book on Segmented Woodturning, trys his hand at compound angles for segments in his open segment turning. Fascinating photo.
- Ring Centering – How do you center rings on your projects? In this thread, several techniques are discussed and a very interesting YouTube video is recommended. I’ve used almost all of these methods and they each have their place. If you only use one technique, this thread is a good read, in fact, this one is a keeper!!

Upcoming Segmented Turning Classes
May 20 – 26, 2012
Easy Segmented Platters and Expressive Wall Art
Instructor: Linda Sutter
John C. Campbell Folk School
June 3 – 9, 2012
Turning in the Polychromatic Style: Staved Construction
Instructor: Don Russell
John C. Campbell Folk School
June 25 -‐ 29, 2012
Segmented Turning: pushing your skills to the next level
Instructor: Curt Theobald
Anderson Ranch
July 8 – 14, 2012
Segmented Turning
Instructor: Malcolm Tibbetts
September 4 – 8, 2012
Segmented turning: Where Precision Partners with Turned Elegance
Instructor: Malcolm Tibbetts
The Mark Adams School of Woodworking
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