July Membership Meeting

Rick Rich is a meticulous woodturner with a passion for vintage woodturning lesson books and following the plans found inside these treasures. Some of his favorite books include: Elemental Turning by Frank Selden (Popular Woodworking had a reprint of that book); A Course in Wood Turning by Milton, Archie Seldon, 1887-; Wohlers, Otto K., 1893- joint author, Published, 1919; Art & Education in Woodturning, William W. Klenke and an older version titled, The Art of Wood Turning by William W. Klenke.

He appreciates the systematic approach in Elemental Turning and considers these books great resources for those who want or need to use a diagram. He self-confesses, “I am not an artist”. Thus, the detailed plans, illustrations and dimensions in these books provide the starting point for his woodturning passions.

Today Rick is a highly competent and thoughtful woodturner as well as a fantastic instructor. His primary passion is spindle turning. His clear, concise and easy- going teaching approach provides the learner with confidence from the very beginning and throughout the session. For those able to view the taped session from AAW 2024 Symposium, Rick’s session titled Three-Piece Dish clearly displays his teaching approach and mastery of the skew chisel.

Rick will be demonstrating Spindle Turning a Candle Stick Holder.