In his column in this month’s Chips & Shavings, President Dan Stromstad identified an exciting opportunity for an SPSW member who has a passion for turning, sharing their skills and knowledge, and providing youth with the opportunity to learn this great craft of ours:
We now officially need a member to step forward to lead a group of members in the effort to begin a youth woodturning training program. We have several members who are willing to help, but not a leader. It will be easy to get the funds donated to accomplish this awesome task. The AAW has a program developed and it is easy to basically follow the design that is preexisting. Let’s get started turning our young folks on to the joys of creating wonderful wood art with a lathe. The schools are unable to do this in most cases as they did when I was a young man. I was thrilled in junior high school and that is when I was inspired to turn. We are able to teach these young folks so much more than we learned in school and then woodturning will be even more exciting for us and the young folks.
If you want to get an idea of the impact this can have on the youth, check out this recent article in the Arden-Carmichael News out of Sacramento.
If you would like to give back to the community in this way please contact Dan Stromstad and let him know.