SPSW Board of Directors Meeting
Online - ZoomVirtual Board of Directors Meeting
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting
This month Jay Shepard will be visiting us again to cover finishing. Social time and room set up starts at 5:30, meeting starts at 6:30.
The sawdust session is an excellent opportunity for all members to come, join in the comradery of working with other members to learn a variety of new skills or improve on some old ones and share with new turners a skill they may be struggling with. We meet in at …
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting
This will be our first mini-symposium of the year. We will have multiple stations set up with demonstrators covering many aspects of turning. Social time starts and 5:30, meeting starts and 6:30.
The sawdust session is an excellent opportunity for all members to come, join in the comradery of working with other members to learn a variety of new skills or improve on some old ones and share with new turners a skill they may be struggling with. We meet in at …
The Totally Turning Symposium will be held on Saturday and Sunday, March 29 & 30, 2025. Our 2-day Symposium includes 48 Woodturning-based demonstrations by national, international and regional demonstrators in 6 newly upgraded demo rooms (4 rotations each day in each room). The Totally Turning Symposium is held concurrently with …
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting
This month our own Dave Best will be demonstrating "The Best Techniques". Social time starts at 5:30, meeting starts at 6:30.
The sawdust session is an excellent opportunity for all members to come, join in the comradery of working with other members to learn a variety of new skills or improve on some old ones and share with new turners a skill they may be struggling with. We meet in at …
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting
For May we will have Kevin Jesequel as our demonstrator. Kevin is a member and club safety officer of the Northwest Woodturners in Portrland, Oregon. He will be demonstrating "Olla Forms".