Rocky Mountain Woodturning Symposium

The 2023 RMW Symposium will be at the Ranch in Loveland, Colorado. Participants choose from 40 rotations given by some of the best woodturners in the world. The presentations have something for everyone, from the beginner to the professional. We have a large vendor exhibit and a hands on woodturning …

Mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium

The Mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium is a three day opportunity to meet and learn from some of the worlds greatest turners. None of these professionals will be at the AAW Symposium in Chattanooga, so this is your opportunity to see them live and up close! The weekend includes demos on …

Yellowstone Woodturners Symposium

Roaring 20's Club house 7400 Grand Avenue, Billings, Mt, United States

Featured demonstrator will be Kip Christensen offering instruction on a variety of projects/kits, principles in clean cutting and spindle turning. Geared toward beginner and intermediate turners. For more visit the Yellowstone Wood Turners Facebook Page or contact Sam Angelo or Dr. Van.

Detroit Area One Day Symposium

Rising Star Academy 23855 Lawrence Ave, Centerlind, MI, United States

The Detroit Area Woodturners are holding their 2nd annual One Day Symposium at the Rising Stars Academy in Centerline. The event includes 16 demonstrations, instant gallery, tradeshow, door prizes and more.

Ohio Valley Woodturners Guild Symposium

Higher Ground Conference & Retreat Center 3820 Logan Creek Ln,, West Harrison, Ohio

OVWG 12th biennial Woodturning Symposium to be held at the Higher Ground Conference & Retreat Center in West Harrison. Featured demonstrators include Ashley Harwood, Roberto Ferrer, Nick Cook, matt Monaco and Helen Bailey. Event includes instant gallery, vendors and auction.

North Carolina Woodturning Symposium

Greensboro Coliseum 1921 W. Gate City Blvd., Greensboro, NC, United States

The Biennial North Carolina Woodturning Symposium will be held at the Greensboro Coliseum. Headline artists include Nick Agar, Trent Bosch, John Lucas and Graeme Priddle. Forty-eight demonstrations, vendor tradeshow, instant gallery, Saturday lunch, banquet and auction.

Sawdust Session

The sawdust session is an excellent opportunity for all members to come, join in the comradery of working with other members to learn a variety of new skills or improve on some old ones and share with new turners a skill they may be struggling with. We meet in at …

Board Meeting

Virtual Board of Directors Meeting

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