All Day Workshop w/Kevin Jesequel
DF Almendinger Center 2606 West Pioneer, Putallup, WAThis is a limited space all-day workshop with Kevin Jesequel. Contact Ed White for details for registering.
This is a limited space all-day workshop with Kevin Jesequel. Contact Ed White for details for registering.
The sawdust session is an excellent opportunity for all members to come, join in the comradery of working with other members to learn a variety of new skills or improve on some old ones and share with new turners a skill they may be struggling with. We meet in at …
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting
The AAW International Woodturning Symposium is the biggest woodturning event in the world and has something for everyone, no matter your experience level. This year’s symposium will be held in Portland, Oregon. Internationally Renowned Demonstrators – Top woodturners from around the world will be demonstrating for woodturners of all skill …
June's meeting will feature SPSW Vice President Ed White demonstrating off-axis turning. Social hour is from 5:30 to 6:30, meeting starts at 6:30.
The sawdust session is an excellent opportunity for all members to come, join in the comradery of working with other members to learn a variety of new skills or improve on some old ones and share with new turners a skill they may be struggling with. We meet in at …
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting
This month's demonstration features former two term AAW Board Member Kathleen Duncan. Kathleen is a member of the Cascade Woodturners and the Southwest Washington Woodturners. She will be demonstrating her Piercing techniques. Social hour is from 5:30 to 6:30, meeting starts at 6:30.
The SWAT organization exists to promote the craft of woodturning through training, demonstrations, hands on experience and exhibits. SWAT offers something for all levels of experience from hobbyists to professionals. All levels of experience are welcome to participate in our yearly symposium each August. If you enjoy woodturning and want …
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting
Participants choose from 45 rotations given by some of the best woodturners in the world. The presentations have something for everyone, from the beginner to the professional. We have a large vendor exhibit and a hands-on woodturning program area. An Instant Gallery is open to the public and all attendees …