Sawdust Session

The sawdust session is an excellent opportunity for all members to come, join in the comradery of working with other members to learn a variety of new skills or improve on some old ones and share with new turners a skill they may be struggling with. We meet in at …

SPSW Membership Meeting

Fife Community Center 2111 54th Avenue East, Fife, WA, United States

Roberto Ferrer will be providing an IRD demonstrating Antique Fluted Bowl and Texturing with Hand Tools. NOTE: The Fife Center is closed on this date so this will be Zoom only meeting. Members, make sure to watch your email and the website for the link.

Sawdust Session

The sawdust session is an excellent opportunity for all members to come, join in the comradery of working with other members to learn a variety of new skills or improve on some old ones and share with new turners a skill they may be struggling with. We meet in at …

SPSW Membership Meeting

Fife Community Center 2111 54th Avenue East, Fife, WA, United States

Rick Rich will be demonstrating Spindle Turning Skills. Gathering starts at 6:30, meeting around 7:00.

Annual Picnic & Auction

Northlake Improvement Club

This our annual picnic and wood auction. This is a great opportunity to get wood and great prices. 9:00 a.m. set up for the auction, 10:30 - 11:00 for lunch, auction to follow lunch.

SPSW Membership Meeting

Fife Community Center 2111 54th Avenue East, Fife, WA, United States

Pat McCart will demonstrate turning 3-Footed Bowls

Sawdust Session

The sawdust session is an excellent opportunity for all members to come, join in the comradery of working with other members to learn a variety of new skills or improve on some old ones and share with new turners a skill they may be struggling with. We meet in at …

SPSW Membership Meeting

DF Almendinger Center 2606 West Pioneer, Putallup, WA

This will be our second mini-symposium of the year