December Membership Meeting

It’s that time of year for our annual Holiday party and member appreciation meeting. Here are the details from our President:

Here are all of the details of our annual Christmas Party on December 19th:

If you would like to make a gift donation, please reach out to myself or Pat Mc Cart, our Industry Coordinator.

• Upon arrival, you will receive 2 tickets: 1 for the general prize drawing; 1 ticket for your door prize wood block
(1 per family membership)

• If you helped with set up, clean up, newsletter articles, brought show-and-tell or President’s Challenge you
should have filled out yellow tickets throughout the year.

• Gift Exchange – If you would like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift and collect a ticket (can be a
turned piece, or gift of choice)

• Potluck dinner: Assignments:
* A to I – please bring a dessert to share
* J to P – please bring a main dish to share
* Q to Z – please bring a side dish or salad to share