Category: Uncategorized
What’s New on the SPSW Website
Several pages have been added recently. If you were able to attend the November membership meeting you saw a very interesting presentation on gold and silver inlay given by John Shrader. Photos from John’s demonstration have now been added in our galleries. If you like to know what your SPSW …
SPSW Member Profile – Dan Stromstad
Like many of you I began turning wood in Junior High School. Growing up in Richland, Washington in the fifties enabled me to have a friend for a wood shop instructor. Working with my father we built all of the kitchen cabinets in the process of totally remodeling our home. …
A Story in Every Turning
I was recently explaining the markings on the bottom of a highly figured spalted maple bowl with stone inlay to a coworker who remarked that I had a story for each piece that he had seen me turn. That is when I had one of those wow moments to which …