Invention and Inovation

It is interesting to watch what results from invention and innovation. A couple examples recently involving turning kits.

silver tip badger hair knotAnthony Turchetta, the owner of The Golden, began promoting shaving accessory kits – razor handles and shaving brushes. From what I can tell he has had these for a number of years. He offers razor handle kits that used Mach 3 style heads and double edge safety razor heads. He has several different razor kits and 7 different Badger Hair knots for brushes. He was the only supplier I could find. But in the last six months almost every major turning supplier – Penn State Industries, Woodcraft, Arizona Silhouette, Rockler, Hut – has got them in their catalogs.

seam ripperAnother example is seam rippers. Ken Ferrell started making turned handles for the small plastic seam rippers. He then wrote a tutorial for turning seam ripper handles on the International Association of Penturners website and offered the plastic seam rippers for sale. In fact, the price he offered was better that you could get at the local fabric store. The latest Penn State Industries catalog now has chrome seam ripper kits.

So what do you think is going to be the next idea that shows up in retail catalogs?